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Bald? Y/N? Need honesty people!


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I'm 22 years old and I'm losing my hair! Been losing it for awhile now and it's been really tough to deal with, especially considering how much importance I placed on it when I had it. Now anytime ANYBODY looks at me I feel like they're judging my receding hairline. This obviously is sabotaging any chances at meeting someone new. I feel if this had happened later it would be easier to cope with. I'm "in my prime" so to speak and I don't even get to keep my hair? Extremely lame.


How do I get over this? Is there hope? Do any of you ladies not mind the baldies or actually find em more attractive than the hairy fellas?

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Well it depends on how thin your hair is. If you cut it shorter and it still looks pretty good, I'd say you can hold onto it. But, I find attractive people are still attractive with or without hair. If you have a nice face it tends to highlight that.

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Yeah shaving with the razor doesn't work too well. I have way sensitive skin and razor burn all over my head isn't the best look. I keep it short with clippers and it looks OK but it's still noticeable.


I just can't stand it when people point it out. "Hey dude you're really losing it up top aren't you?"


Heck, Easter Sunday my whole family came over and my grandma felt the need to point out how lucky my grandpa was having all his hair at age 73. Not to mention how ugly the bald golfers on TV look without their hats on.


These are the kinds of things that make it an issue for me.

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Yeah shaving with the razor doesn't work too well. I have way sensitive skin and razor burn all over my head isn't the best look. I keep it short with clippers and it looks OK but it's still noticeable.


I just can't stand it when people point it out. "Hey dude you're really losing it up top aren't you?"


Heck, Easter Sunday my whole family came over and my grandma felt the need to point out how lucky my grandpa was having all his hair at age 73. Not to mention how ugly the bald golfers on TV look without their hats on.


These are the kinds of things that make it an issue for me.


Next time they say something tell them your bald head is just the solar panel for a sex machine..lol

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^Well good thing her opinion doesn't matter because there is no way you are getting with her


There are going to be people who will jab at you for a whole list of things besides just baldness. That goes for everybody. For example, you could have a total stud who works hard at his looks. But, theres going to be those people who just call him cocky or annoying.

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Hahaha. This is great. Sorry man, not much you can do about it. Except accept it and embrace it. I do think the shaving the head is a good idea... but Suzy brings up a great point people are always going to bust on ya for something. Just because your losing your hair don't let it get ya down.

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MAN.. that guy under "bald man of the century" is cute.


I wouldn't go so far as to jump to therapy but just bite the bullet yeah. I mean, a lot of people have something they don't like about their body but that doesn't mean they stop dating.

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Yeah shaving with the razor doesn't work too well. I have way sensitive skin and razor burn all over my head isn't the best look. I keep it short with clippers and it looks OK but it's still noticeable.


I just can't stand it when people point it out. "Hey dude you're really losing it up top aren't you?"


Heck, Easter Sunday my whole family came over and my grandma felt the need to point out how lucky my grandpa was having all his hair at age 73. Not to mention how ugly the bald golfers on TV look without their hats on.


These are the kinds of things that make it an issue for me.


AHHhahaha.....This is so funny to me because I heard all the same stuff at all the akward times and I had all the same thoughts that you are having.


I started losing my hair when I was 18. It was very traumatic, I had thick, golden blond locks that the girls adored.

I went to my family doctor and he put me on Propecia. It worked great and against his advice I started using Rogaine along with it. I regrew most of the hair I had lost. My mother, a hair dresser, said she could'nt tell that I had ever lost any hair.

I did that routine religiously for about 5 years. Then it started to slowly thin out again. Apparently, Propecia is only good for about that long and then it starts to lose it's effectiveness.

I went to a Bosley clinic and a found out that they can only replace the front half of your head for about $12,000. Then after that your still left with a bald spot in the back. i.e. Nick Cage, Wolf Blizer, Joel Mchale, Billy Bob Thorton, I could go on and on. I can now spot a transplant a mile away.

So anyway, I quit the drugs all together and my hair fell out at a ridiculously fast pace.

I now bic my head and it look's good. After I stared shaving my head I realised that if I was going to have the hadicap of not having hair the rest of me better be tip top.

I hit the gym changed my diet and I now look better and feel better than i have ever felt in my life.

As far as the girls go. I do better now than I ever did

You'll be alright and the razor burn is more than likely the result of you not shaving properly. There are tricks to it. If you want I'll fill you in.


Oh and you don't need therapy that is just ridiculaus. Your a man this happens to men so be a man and handle it!!

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^ yeah i stopped the propecia recently. too expensive and not enough results. tips on shaving would be greatly appreciated. I'm going to try it again after graduation here in a month and get some sun on this shiny dome.

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i know its a sensitive topic for a lot of guys but for me, i dont mind a receding hair line up to a certain point. once it gets really far back i say shave your head and just be confident about it. if people ask say i was losing my hair so i decided to just get rid of it myself. i find young bald guys attractive so i'm sure you'll find other women who don't mind it.

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It's all in the attitude..




Alright this is what you must do.


Most important; don't be cheap. Buy the good cream, razors and lotion. I can't emphasize this enough. You can find these products anywhere.


Wash your head in the shower using Cetaphil antibacterial soap. Only shave your head after a long hot shower. Warm water softens up your hair. You should know this already because that is how you should be shaveing your face.


Once out of the shower lather up the dome and face with good shaving cream. Don't give your hair a chance to dry. I use Neutrogena Senstive Skin Shaving Gel.


Use a good razor. I use the Gillete double blade razor with the flex head. This type of razor is the only way to go. I have tried others and they all suck.


DO NOT Shave against the grain. Shave your head the way your hair grows. Just like you would do your face. After every stroke with the razor rinse it out in hot water. You want to do this because it keeps the razor fresh and your rinsing out bacteria that helps reduce the chance of razor bumps. Again this is the way you should be shaving your face.


After you are done rinse with luke warm water to get rid of all the excess cream and whatnot. Then rinse again with cold water. This cools your skin and closes up your pores. As you should be doing with your face


GENTLY pat dry your head. Never rub just dab dry with a clean towel just like you would your face. Then lotion up immeditaly. I use Cetaphil lotion for sensitive skin. Dont let your skin dry out first. Get the lotion on there and that will lock in all that moisture. This is critical because having a dryhead will feel crapy and more importantly well moisturized skin looks healthy.


Put on some sun block and your good to go. Just like you would do with your face. Don't skip the sun block your head will burn very fast in the summer. The skin is so thin up there that it doesnt take much. You don't want a sun damaged dome do you? Same should go for your face.


Lastly treat your head like your face If you'r not sure if your taking care of your skin/face properly do some more research. If your not going to have hair I think that you should have every thing else looking as good as possible.

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I am 21, fully bald,and never had any problem with it.


I wouldn't worry about it too much. I can imagine it may freak you out in the beginning, but when you shave it off you just have to get over the shock of how different it looks first, and you will come to find it looks quite good. Acceptance and confidence is key, instead of worrying about losing your hair, just think about how good it looks, and how little hassle you have to go through in terms of finding a hairstyle.


As for the best way to shave, it has pretty much been described properly above. Although I am not sure I fully agree on the not shaving against the grain part. While it may create less irritation if you don't, it does provide a better shave. I always shave in or right after the shower, and find if i just make sure my head is nice and warm, and continue to put on some shaving gel...the blade goes accross pretty smoothly when shaving against the grain. I use a face scrub "razor defense" before I shave, and some nivea skin lotion afterwards..so I suppose that helps.

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