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your age and your REAL number :)


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I don't know how many partners you've had, but I'm sure there are many normal women who have had more. If you'd rather not tell future boyfriends, then you don't have to.


Thanks Dragon! I was struggling with whether I am or am not obligated to tell future boyfriends in another thread. People have conflicting ideas about that but I tend to think the way you do about it in the sense that I shouldn't have to tell anyone.

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Just about 22 - 0


No surprise when you're ugly.


If it makes you feel any better when i was a sophomore there was a new student that came in.. the kid was very unattractive. and thats being nice. there was no redeeming quality there to speak of.

i was his friend though.

he ended up scoring with alot of girls. something about him chicks just dug.

He even got to sleep with one of the most revered and attractive girls... that allllll the other guys drooled over, obsessed about, and courted.

I have no idea how or why, but it happened and everyone was astonished.


so its not all about looks when it comes to sex.

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33yrs old and 12. I lost my virginity the month before my 15th bday, so that doesn't seem so high to me. I don't think that number has anything to do with values. I value love and commitment, marriage and family, etc. There were a few one night stands in there, but the majority were men I was in some kind of relationship with, and certainly men I had strong feelings for.

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I would have no idea where to go to up my chances of getting laid.


I haven't been been to a concert since I was a little kid.


Maybe I should lay down and cover myself in leaves and hope a chick falls on it?


HAHAHAHAHA thats funny


23, one guy

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If it makes you feel any better when i was a sophomore there was a new student that came in.. the kid was very unattractive. and thats being nice. there was no redeeming quality there to speak of.

i was his friend though.

he ended up scoring with alot of girls. something about him chicks just dug.

He even got to sleep with one of the most revered and attractive girls... that allllll the other guys drooled over, obsessed about, and courted.

I have no idea how or why, but it happened and everyone was astonished.


so its not all about looks when it comes to sex.



Maybe he was hung like a horse?

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Lol omg Ellandroader are you freaking kidding me??! Gosh... It's stuff like that that make me feel so sl*tty lol but props to you though, that's SOO great!!


why you feel so sl*tty southern? Men enjoy sex, why cant women!?


When i was twenty i had already been with over 30 women. Now its quadrupled. lol.


Your just livin and enjoyin life.

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why you feel so sl*tty southern? Men enjoy sex, why cant women!?


When i was twenty i had already been with over 30 women. Now its quadrupled. lol.


Your just livin and enjoyin life.


Come on, we both know it's much more acceptable for a guy to be like that than a girl. My number is only 5, which is small compared to yours lol but very big compared to most on this site and lots of people I know. A guy does it with 10 chicks and he's the man. A chick does it with 10 guys and she's a sl*t. Just the way things go...

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Yeah, you're very right about that. I don't want to be promiscuous, I do think sex should be saved for certain people, but I mean I was dating all the guys I did it with. I just came to college and got a lot more attention than in high school. I was just one of the guys alllll through high school and then I came here and guys really took a liking to me and I kinda let myself go...I've cleaned up a bit since those days though.

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Come on, we both know it's much more acceptable for a guy to be like that than a girl. My number is only 5, which is small compared to yours lol but very big compared to most on this site and lots of people I know. A guy does it with 10 chicks and he's the man. A chick does it with 10 guys and she's a sl*t. Just the way things go...



That's true. But it's the opposite when it's the other way around.


When a girl has been with a few to none....it's considered a good thing. But if a guy is in the same boat, some consider it creepy.

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That's true. But it's the opposite when it's the other way around.


When a girl has been with a few to none....it's considered a good thing. But if a guy is in the same boat, some consider it creepy.


Yeah Jonny that's a good point. It does work both ways...funny it is the way it is, but whatcha gonna do..

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Well I personally really like it if a guy is either a virgin or has under 5 partners. In fact, I went on a few dates with a virgin and when he told me he's a virgin, I was sooooo relieved, and I let him know that I was relieved and I thought it was such a great thing. It just took the pressure off, you know? I want to be a good girl, but that's hard to do when a guy is pressuring me to do stuff all the time. Crazy thing is, he asked me to stay the night with him cuz we were hangin out til like 3 am so I did cuz we were tired, but then in his bed he was totally tryin to go for stuff that I did not expect from the sweet virgin! I wouldn't let him do anything and he got frustrated with me and we didn't go on another date after that. Just speaking for myself, I think virginity or at least modesty is a very very desirable trait in a guy. But lots of people see it as a bad thing...I have yet to figure out why...

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well honestly in my opinion, it may be double standard but i prefer for a girl i date to be with no more than 10 men. Also depends on her age. Thats just for someone i would be serious with though. My girl is 24 and only been with 6 people. Most were relationships. She doesnt know my number but knows its high cause of what mutual friends have said. everyone has a past.

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a lot of 20 years olds think that. lol


seriously, a low number and virginity is a hot topic until around 22. it's usually the people stuck in high school. not trying to say anything about you or anything, just sayin...


i know a lot of girls i dated around those ages asked that crap. i told them it was none of their business and was the past. my personality is in the present.

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well honestly in my opinion, it may be double standard but i prefer for a girl i date to be with no more than 10 men. Also depends on her age. Thats just for someone i would be serious with though. My girl is 24 and only been with 6 people. Most were relationships. She doesnt know my number but knows its high cause of what mutual friends have said. everyone has a past.


wow, really? didn't expect that of you man. a girl's number doesn't bother me at all. i really don't ever want to know. but if we are going to the convenient store and run into like 5 guys that she banged i might be like

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How old was he?


You expected him not to try to bang you?


If I had a girl in bed i'd probably try to do something too.


He is 20. And yes I did expect him not to "bang me," based on the conversation we had like an hour before. It's not cuz he can't get girls, it because he is choosing to wait til marriage. A word of advice, respect a girl or she'll never be in your bed again. If she wants it and you want it, then by all means. But if she keeps batting your hand away, take the hint and go to sleep and respect her. I mean, I could have given him a really hard time about being a virgin. But I didn't. I thought it was great and respected it and didn't cross any boundaries. Why have such lack of respect for me when I had just told him that I was ashamed of my past and was trying to do everything right nowadays?? Just cuz you're a virgin doesn't give you the right to just expect stuff from a girl. I'm a "take no sh!t" kinda gal when it comes to that because of stuff that has happened to me before and just because he's a sweet lil virgin didn't mean I was about to do "everything but" on the third date.

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Well I didnt know he claimed to be wanting to wait till marriage. Which is something i'm sure not waiting waiting for.


I never said anything about not having respect....but people shouldn't be shocked when someone tries to have sex with them when their in their bed.


I'd probably atleast try to make a move if I had actually had a girl in my bed. Either that or have a heart attack.

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