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..HELP.."Was he Rude or was I overreacting??"

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Last night I had a date with a guy my friend introduced me to. On Monday I spoke to him and we made a date for Tuesday. We couldn't decide exactly where we wanted to go for the date. So we agreed that we would go out at 8pm. He said he'd call at 7pm to discuss going out. On Tuesday 7 o'clock rolls around, I take a shower and begin to get Ready... 7:15, 7:30, 7:45, then at 8pm I get a phone call from my date.. I looked at the phone, turned the ringer off and went to bed for the night. He also did not leave a message.

Jeeze, I was really looking forward to going out with him, he is extremely attractive. I refuse to put up with rude behavior from anyone though... So anyways......



My questions are: Should I call him later on today or just wait for him to contact me again? Did I overreact or was he rude for being late?

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Doesn't it depend on why he was late? If he was just late, then he shoudl have called before 8 and given some warning. If he had a decent reason, then I would allow for an excuse and apology. I easily become angry when someone is late, but a simple apology makes most of that go away, unless it becomes habitual.

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He might have had a good reason for calling at 8pm instead of 7pm. It was only an hour after he said he would call. If it was at 9 pr 10, well that would just be rude.


Also, maybe he misunderstood and thought he was to call you at 8pm.


Maybe he was nervous about the whole thing since it was your first date.


You don't know why he called late. I think you need to call him and find out and probably apologize.

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Whatever the reason, he could have or "should" have left a message that included a brief explanation, & telling you he'll get in touch w/you the next day. If he calls back again with a reasonable reason, then give it another try, I guarantee he won't be late this time because you showed that you expect respect. If he doesn't, no loss to you and kudo's for making your point.



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how can you assume its rude without hearing his excuse ?(assuming he has one ... ) I am not trying to judge you but i would like to know why he got late before i decide to be mad at him. I have called up my date late myself a couple of times. All those times i had genuine reasons like being stuck at work in a meeting. I was lucky my dates were very understanding.

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