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To all non-believers, there is hope. She's back back!!!!!!!!

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Okay Dan, I'm hoping you can share your secret to "winning them back" with me. I'm losing it, because I am still so much in love with my ex (I still find it hard to even write that word!) it's been 5 weeks now and it's killing me that we're not together...like you, we haven't really initiated NC, after he ended things with me we didn't really talk for a few days. I was the one calling him, crying and begging and pleading and he didn't respond well to that. The moment I stopped doing that though, he slowly started to come around and then he started contacting me, calling me (just about day-to day stuff). But it's weird..he'll call sometimes and he'll sound like his old self-being soft & tender, and thenother days he'll call and act all friendly-like...buddy-buddy thing. I just try and act normal, but it's SO HARD!! I want to tell him I love him...but I know I can't. He slipped a few times and called me honey, but then caught himself. He keeps saying stuff to me and then saying"but what do you care? you're not my gf anymore..." I don't know where his head is at and all I do is think about him and cry (in private). To him, I know I seem distant but friendly. Sometimes he'll call like 3 times a day, but we never talk about "us"...is there a time when I should bring it up?? Or just wait for him to come around?? What was your approach/strategy? I'll do practically anything right now...we had a VERY good relationship, he broke up with me on the eve of his moving in with me and I think he may have just freaked out...but I get mixed messages...I don't know what to do!! PLEASE HELP!

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For the last 2 days I have been PMing Majord, and half an hour ago we got back together -although over the phone - we are off to a wedding toghether next sat. WOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!


Read it and read MAJORD23 again !!!!!!



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  • 3 weeks later...

007, you dont. There is nothing you can do. All you can do is make yourself a better person and move on. You ex has to want to be with you. She has to realize that she loves you and not him and unfortunately you cannot control this.


Trust me, it doesnt matter how much everyone else likes him, its how much she likes him. My ex's parents loved me, her friends loved me, her entire family loved me. I still got dumped. Its funny cause her mom cried more than she did when she found out we broke up.

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Thanks for the advice and support Coooooooooooooolsome...I do understand this...it's just that I was really upset about it earlier. Thanks again, though.


I'm hoping that she'll miss me, etc. despite what others think of the new guy and all that.

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Yeah, other than her 2 cousins...which seem to have finally gotten their say in the matter. Them 2 girls are just about looks and money, and that's probably what the new guy has.


thereforeeee, they like him...

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