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Back to day 1

She messed me up good today, Went to class avoided her then we we go off she asked if we are still going to this school field trip together. We agreed that we would both go in my car before we broke up and I told her that it might not be a good Idea because your spending the weekends at your shift managers house. She said she's not sleeping with him and then the topic changed to the cloths i bought and what she was wearing and she said i look good and you got all these news cloths and i told her "well I have money now" and I said i'll ttyl. 5 mins later I get a text where she states " you just trying to put me in a bad mood" i replied 30 mins later saying "no im not" and then she replies with "you may not be realizing it but you are"? anyways after that 2 hours goes by and i needed to ask her about a certain class that we are both taking next spring... She didn't respond to my text message and I called once. she responded via text with " I can't talk right now" and then she then texted 30 mins later saying im at work. I texted her saying "thanks for calling" and she said "we would have just argued". ](*,) I feel like an idiot for even trying.

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Day 8 of NC


Started off the day great just like past few days. I went on Facebook and was on a mutual friends profile when I saw him on their friend list. I haven't checked his Facebook for 4 days but i saw he had a new profile pic from his brothers wedding this past weekend. I felt a pang of something, I'm not even sure what... But now I feel like I'm back at square one. My good mood of the past few days is gone But in other news my mate won a competition to go interstate to see a band on Thursday and is taking me, so that should be good

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Day 8


I'm really tired right now so I'm gonna try to make this short.


Today this morning at work, I received this unknown text from an unknown number. I ignored it because I honestly thought it was her. The text said "Hey, how are you doing?" Haha so yeah I thought it was my ex. It made me think the whole day and kinda gave me some ego boost. Then tonight I kinda just gave in and said something like "I'm sorry for the late reply.. I've been so busy lately.. may I ask who this is?" something like that. Then I found out that it was a wrong number after all. I ended up calling the number and it was a guy so yeah.. haha.


Honestly, I felt a little disappointed, but happy too that it wasn't her after all. I just want this no contact to be smooth sailing and just talk to her again when I'm fully ready to. So ya, that was the biggest thing that happened today. I thought about her a lot today and kept on thinking if she's with someone else. I knew I had to not think like that. So I ended up going to Barnes and Noble and I started reading this book called something like "How to Win Your Lover Back" and I thought it was gonna be cute and funny because the color of the book was ugly and ya it didn't look serious so I just wanted to see what it had inside.


Surprisingly, this book makes me feel so much better when I'm thinking about her. It just talks about... true love lol. I also took this quiz to see if my ex was worth it to get back and I passed with flying colors lol. But you have to be honest with all the answers! It's a pretty good read. I'm probably gonna end up buying it because just reading some of these stories couples go through, it makes you feel less "lonelier" lol.

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Originally Posted by Rally

Day 9

So tempted to break NC because I found that she has tried to contact me.. Should I reply just to see what she wants or continue to ignore her?

What do -you- think you should do? I know that's a trite answer, but, consider this: So many people here have been contacted by their ex for a lame reason, and it set them back terribly in their progress...do you think she's really trying to contact you for a reconciliation, or something else? It all depends on what you think...


I am back to day one TODAY because my ex contacted me a month ago, and it has been nothing but a freaking train wreck. Leave it alone. I should have, and I didn't.

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Day 45


I cant believe how fast time has flown by. Im getting over her. I do reflect but dont get disturbed. My days are good now. I have met someone that I am becoming involved with. I know about rebound. Im sure there is a factor of that at lay here. I also believe I am takig it slow enough so that its on the healthy side overall. I am thinking of calling her to let her know that the welbeing of her and her family will be in my thoughts. Its true and I am really concerned. Her sister is dying. I wont ask her anything. I will keep it at that statement if possible. I might do it just before Thanksgiving after the 2 mo mark.

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Day 16


I don't want him back. Wow. All traces of my feelings of wanting him back have officially melted away. I think I had my final catharsis tonight when I let it all out to a friend of mine. It was a good session with drinks and laughs, it was more light-hearted and I didn't talk about it for long at all. It was like I just needed to say a bit more about it to someone else and that got rid of those pesky feelings. And have an outsider's opinion on it to knock sense into me and drive the point home that he. is. not. worth. it. and it's HIS loss.


Boom boom pow, I got my swagger back


Onwards and upwards!!

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Day 2

Class was fine and lab got to me today, She looked good, hell i looked good we both were staring at each other the whole freaking time and she stated to cut up to me and my emotions came back. After we finished making plates for a press run that is due next week my mind was going crazy about her and i just had to get out of lab, She asked if I was leaving and i told her yeah I got other things to do and she "Oh ok" and I said I'll see you later and left... My heart is pounding, I'm a wreck, all the good memories started to roll back in and hit me hard... She's still wearing the diamond earnings i bought her... Had to run to my work and just have a glass of wine and just think. Now i'm fine but it's toxic to be around her sometimes....

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Day 1. Keeping in mind I havent spoken to my ex since the beginning of October 2010. I ended contact and explained to them why it couldnt happen anymore...but he tried to call me yesterday but cancelled the call before id had time to think about answering. so glad. lol.


We broke up a year ago this month.

it seems none of us can actually let the other go. Through a long string of reasons. The relationship ended because of my illness, i pushed him away.

I am still thinking about my ex, Even though its been a month since we talked i still find myself thinking about him.

but then again i have for a year now.

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Day 16


I don't want him back. Wow. All traces of my feelings of wanting him back have officially melted away. I think I had my final catharsis tonight when I let it all out to a friend of mine. It was a good session with drinks and laughs, it was more light-hearted and I didn't talk about it for long at all. It was like I just needed to say a bit more about it to someone else and that got rid of those pesky feelings. And have an outsider's opinion on it to knock sense into me and drive the point home that he. is. not. worth. it. and it's HIS loss.


Boom boom pow, I got my swagger back


Onwards and upwards!!


Well done, Dont give up though, these things can have a reaccurence when we feel better, trust me ive been at it a year now. I dont know how you pm on this site? help please?

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It's been 3 weeks and 4 days since we broke up...he needs time to mature, and I guess I do too.

Ahhh Day 3:

I'm really trying to fight the urge to text him. It's rough. I still believe he'll text me soon. And if he doesn't? It'll feel like he's forgotten me completely. BUT I know I have to focus on myself and stop worrying about him, as hard as that is. There's no point in spending my time wallowing in self-pity and thinking about him. Love songs are getting easier to listen to...but memories about us together make me feel a little numb. I want to go on a roadtrip!

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Day 1


I guess I'm back to day 1 after 10 days of NC and LC for about a month.

I found out that he's sick through fb and texted him just to say hopefully he feels better soon (just because i'm afraid if I didnt say anything he'd think i dont care anymore)

Hmmm...... shouldn't have done that.... Stoopid me

now back to day 1

I wish I can say that's tomorrow is day 11

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2 weeks already... wow, time flies, so many things to do, luckily. Can't wait to have been in NC for 6 months. I will not contact him, this is for sure and will not answer to any contact from him either. It is over... If he wants to say something, it'd better be a big things and he'd better find a way to say it to me!

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Day 9


I was so tired coming into work this morning because my lack of sleep last night. I ended up going to Navy College Office today to get information about college. I figured out what I want to major in and all that good stuff. That's pretty much what I've been thinking about most of the day. This evening, I went for a long run again. It felt good, but my legs were kinda sore to begin with. After that, I decided to go to the bookstore and just do some general reading. I ended up reading that book "How to Get Your Lover Back." That's actually a really good book! I will end up buying the book because all the book does is give you positive insight about true love and being a better person. There are so many different scenarios put into that book of just ex's leaving and ways they got the ex back. It's a good read and I recommend people who are always at lost for hope, take a look at the book.


Now I'm ready to go to bed since I have work tomorrow.

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End of day 9 of NC


I miss him. A lot. It has suddenly struck me that I'm alone. I feel so empty and alone... He was such a major part of my life for the past 10 months. I know I was fine before he came into my life so I should be fine now too, but it's so hard to go back to that now. I found myself constantly thinking about him today, which I haven't done since the first few days. I miss him but it's not a heart wrenching kind of feeling. Just sad and lonely. I promised myself I will not cry. I heard from his step sister last night that he got sacked, I can't stop thinking about how I should be there for him in this time of need but then I remember how he was never there for me. Never there to console me and tell me it will be ok. Sighh..

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