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Day 6... had a great day. Danced, sang, went into town to get some things, went for a run. Enjoying my good day. Starting to find my old self again... Remembering how it was when I was single before... I was happy and it wasn't scary and I did anything I wanted, whenever I wanted. No worrying about going to my ex's house, trying to figure out what to do, etc. Just all about ME! Being selfish is so much fun.


Thats the way huh huh huh i like it ! Good for you ! Be proud of your achievement ! At this speed you will feel a lot better in a shorter time.Being positive is a big plus.Its not selfish to think about yourself, its only better for you.Enjoy your free time as a single again,you deserve it !

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Day 218


Hey Vertigo, glad your making progress.

Every morning I wake up with the thought of my new girlfriend, so am not really counting NC days anymore Lol !!


Thanks! Wow, you're way ahead of me in NC!

I'm happy for you and your new girl!


If we are over the ex in about 5 months,does it mean the ex is over us too ?

Just wondering.


See, just because I'm healing tremendously and not hurting anymore, doesn't mean I'm forgetting or have forgotten him. I still remember him. I still somewhat think of him. He just fades away from the front of my mind day by day, but he'll still be in the back of my mind and in my heart. Whenever I'll run accross something that will remind me of him, well, I'll think of him.


Even years from now, I won't forget him. So while our exes are moving on just like we are, take comfort that they will still remember us for the rest of their lives.


depends on the ex...but by 5 months we hopefully wont care either way



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Going into Day 19


Sigh...has it really been 19 days? Sometimes it feels like forever and other times it feels like a few days ago.

Have started to go out more by myself, getting my self-confidence and independence back. Got my hair cut back to what it looked like before all this. (guys and long hair, go figure.) But I still miss him which is bugging me. I want to talk to him but I know I won't. I'm still waiting to let go of that feeling of wanting to communicate with him.

hmm, another day.

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Going into Day 19


Sigh...has it really been 19 days? Sometimes it feels like forever and other times it feels like a few days ago.

Have started to go out more by myself, getting my self-confidence and independence back. Got my hair cut back to what it looked like before all this. (guys and long hair, go figure.) But I still miss him which is bugging me. I want to talk to him but I know I won't. I'm still waiting to let go of that feeling of wanting to communicate with him.

hmm, another day.


I still miss her even after 5 months...but at least the intensity aint the same any more.Dreams,hopes and wishes are gone.What else could i ask for really ? You will come to same conclusion.

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5 weeks NC now, and about 4 months since we split up, I still really miss her, but she obviously doesn't miss me, as she informed me she is going to start seeing someone else, and that was 5 weeks ago. Dont know if they're still together, i'm certainly not ready to start seeing anyone else.................. yet.

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Hey guys... I'm back, lol. Guess I wasn't ready to really do NC the first time around. He spewed a bunch of BS and I bought it. He hasn't changed, though, and never will. I know this is in the "Getting Back Together" forum, but I'm here to do no contact PERMANENTLY. I'm on my 3rd day now.


It's difficult, but not as bad as I thought especially since I really don't have anything to say to him. I make sure I stay extremely busy on the weekends, I check my phone only once a day and leave it in the car when I'm at home, and at the house when I'm out. It helps!!

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5 weeks NC now, and about 4 months since we split up, I still really miss her, but she obviously doesn't miss me, as she informed me she is going to start seeing someone else, and that was 5 weeks ago. Dont know if they're still together, i'm certainly not ready to start seeing anyone else.................. yet.


5 weeks... seems like an eternity from now. Do you think about her much less than you used to? I just want to get to the point where I can effortlessly not think about him for a few days... then suddenly realize, "Woah, I didn't think about him at ALL this week!"


Are you at that point yet?

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day 6


more dreams...but cant remember them but they are all around him in some way....bleah!


still woke up and he wasnt immediately on my mind. but then he was and i was upset...sadness and anger, hurt...you kna the terrible three


still, got more positive during the day *cept for a police warning bout my car not having car tax* (its de-registered and therefore private)


been ok - nearly 3 weeks since 'split' if you can call it that. i wanna be in a place where i dont hate him or dont love him jus be indifferent to him and not be bothered anymore. in short i guess i wanna be healed....dont we all...jeez

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5 weeks... seems like an eternity from now. Do you think about her much less than you used to? I just want to get to the point where I can effortlessly not think about him for a few days... then suddenly realize, "Woah, I didn't think about him at ALL this week!"


Are you at that point yet?


no not yet.


I still think about her a lot, but not as much as i did, i'm not so miserable anymore, and i enjoy going out with my mates again, i dont constantly talk about her when i'm out either, which is a good thing, pretty sure my mates must have been sick hearing about it all the time!


you'll get there, it does get easier.

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day 7 - made it through the week. yesterday I had a quite good, woke up a bit lonely this morning, but came around and ended up getting a lot done.

this next week should be pretty busy... already have plans for the whole week and the weekend. Pretty soon I'll be on day 14.

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Day 5 ( attempt 2 since she lead me on to believing she was coming back for the 2nd time...)


coming upto 3 weeks since we last spoke properly. broke it 5 days ago when she said it had been so long since we spoke.. dont know why i did..


Feel so down lately. doesnt help that valentines day is coming up, and this time last year was a huge stage in our relationship. I miss every moment.


Shes still with some asshat who doesnt treat her right. theyve spilt up like 3 times each time shes come to me.. After all the bad things she has to say about him, i just dont get her.


urgh, if ever there was a time to be granted 3 wishes

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Day 158 (about to be 159 in a half hour)


I feel a bit bad. I can't believe I let someone screw me over in the worst ways for over a year. I guess he never really did loved me, but rather, wanted to use me for sexual comfort and companionship.


I didn't mean anything to him at all. Nope. Not one bit...

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Day 5 ( attempt 2 since she lead me on to believing she was coming back for the 2nd time...)


coming upto 3 weeks since we last spoke properly. broke it 5 days ago when she said it had been so long since we spoke.. dont know why i did..


Feel so down lately. doesnt help that valentines day is coming up, and this time last year was a huge stage in our relationship. I miss every moment.


Shes still with some asshat who doesnt treat her right. theyve spilt up like 3 times each time shes come to me.. After all the bad things she has to say about him, i just dont get her.


urgh, if ever there was a time to be granted 3 wishes


Yes 3 wishes !

1 becoming very rich

2 have the best women for me

3 forget my f.... ex

Im so tired to think of her,shes draining me dry.

** By the way,if they broke up three times so far,their relationship is doomed.

She did play you good,what a swine ! Man,move on,give up totaly on her.If you stay that way,it will be the same by June ! You're only 19,dont waste your best years on her.You know you deserve better and you dont need me too tell you this..you already know it.Sincerly,it wont be hard to fine better !

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Day 158 (about to be 159 in a half hour)


I feel a bit bad. I can't believe I let someone screw me over in the worst ways for over a year. I guess he never really did loved me, but rather, wanted to use me for sexual comfort and companionship.


I didn't mean anything to him at all. Nope. Not one bit...


Dont you worry,his turn will come.One day he will find a women that will give him nothing but the third degree.

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day 1 for me. actually, it was like day 3, until the 'wife' called me today, wanting to know when she could get her stuff. she has been staying somewhere else, since thur.



Wednesday this week, while lying in bed ,she told me she wanted a divorce. i laughed when she told me. this was 1 night before our 5th anniv. we have been growing more and more distant the past couple of months.. never doing anything together, fighting... i tried on times to get reconnected but she never seemed like she wanted to try.


thursday/friday totally sucked - i screwed up called her friday, no answer of course. later friday afternoon, i sent her a text message saying did she want to come home this weekend i would go somewhere else. big mistake.. again she had all the power.


so since friday, no contact. she calls me this morning, want to know when she can get her stuff.. i told her i don't care. i think she was a bit upset i hadn't called her.


she came around with her friend. it was super hard not to want to fight. she did look happier.. she i guess is living with another friend who left her husband like the same week.. i am pretty sure she has another guy so i got a bit nasty at time and asked her how new boyfriend was. i quickly bit my tongue.


i had to leave and go to work for a bit, around 6.. i told i was leaving.. she gave me a hug.. it was so nice to feel her.. and said i'll see you later. i havn't felt a hug like that from her, in so long... it actually felt like she meant it.


coming home tonight, all her boxes are here.. she has a truck coming to get her stuff tomorrow. funny tonight she said i will be upset later.. i told her no, i was kinda expecting this for a while.. and asked her if she wanted to go for a while... she said yes.


Kinda sad. but in time i'll be healed, and will meet someone else. Whats really funny, is this is kinda dejavew. like 5 years ago, he x-gf moved out... i screwed up for a bit and eventually got the no contact thing down pat, and she wanted to get back together.


i'm not wishing that could happen.. but its kinda funny seeing her, acting all like she ok..i know her and she was about 10 seconds away from totally bawling. haha if she started i probably would as well.


Day 1 is tomorrow.

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day 7....tmoz will be 3 weeks since split


i had went to bed finally, left moby downstairs by tv as usual. got up at 1pm, even tho i was awake earlier.


come downstairs check my fone...a text from his number. it read....


"hey wild (oh i see, friendsy terminology!)


hope you dont mind me textin, been thinkin about you so much this last week, hoping your ok, wondering how you are, prob more to it than that but hey, ya kna xxx"


he sent that bout 7am so im so glad i didnt have fone by my bed.


i feel abit sick physically again (lets jus hope that ones down to him and nothing else major) and im not jumping up & down with glee either. i kept getting lil visions of a text saying "are you ok?" ...guess he padded that out


ive not text back...i dont want to right now....

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spent the last four days reading page 1-198 of the

"things to avoid certain doom"


its helped me out majorly!


5 years together ( pretty good for 13/14 yr olds dnt you think )


that little bit of selfworth, that someone else will love you!

my family have been great ( iv even got to enjoy a few mornings in bed lol )


shared a house with the ex, was to hard to stay there alone!

so thats up on the market and moved back with family!!


what makes mine so complex is we have a very young daugter ( 3 months old )


after walking out, she text me saying how sorry she was and that she wanted to be back here etc etc.

her phone has been off since so i dont know when ill hear from her again!!

miss her like crazy although it isnt as bad as i thought lol!

missing my daughter so so much! not being able to pick her up and kiss her forehead or feel her hand hold my finger ( tears again now )


anyways im on day 4..

no contact from either side since that one text..

not that she would know if i tried contacting her even mind lol.


upwards and onwards eh?


going take legal action to make sure i can see my daughter as much as possible!!


im trying my best



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oh this is awful when you cant be with your newborn baby and its an enforced situation (hugs)


a new baby is a lot to deal with as you are finding out - they say they can make or break.


i would try resolve things without legal help if at all possible, before barging in...it wont help matters and its always nasty *again been through this and about to go through it again* ....but ultimately yes you need to get some contact sorted with your baby asap.

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Day 158 (about to be 159 in a half hour)


I feel a bit bad. I can't believe I let someone screw me over in the worst ways for over a year. I guess he never really did loved me, but rather, wanted to use me for sexual comfort and companionship.


I didn't mean anything to him at all. Nope. Not one bit...


my ex actually said that to me...that he was only using me for company and sex...such charmers....and guess what...nearly 3 year later he expressed regret at not trying hard enough with us. Mind he was a narcisscist so his words meant nowt


see you showed love and so if he wanted to screw you over with that then thats his prob for being a d*ck...not yours

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oh this is awful when you cant be with your newborn baby and its an enforced situation (hugs)


a new baby is a lot to deal with as you are finding out - they say they can make or break.


i would try resolve things without legal help if at all possible, before barging in...it wont help matters and its always nasty *again been through this and about to go through it again* ....but ultimately yes you need to get some contact sorted with your baby asap.


I did try contacting them through a message to her mothers mobile.

of course had no response.

and i dont want the ex to think " hes using the baby as an exuse to speak to me! "


her family are very stuck up immature people!


I think when the initial letter lands on her doormat, she will begin to panic!

that combined with the NC should make her think a little dont you think?


in the mean time im gonna try stay upbeat, i miss them terribly!

i know this is wrong but:


im praying she calls or texts soon. i miss her so much, even though i guess its mainly to show im movin on ( well ish ) but hopefully make her realise im gone! i know its bad and game like.. but i would never be nasty and i know shes doing this to get me to crawl and it aint gonna happen!


but as i said, her and her family will keep me away at all costs

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Day 158 (about to be 159 in a half hour)


I feel a bit bad. I can't believe I let someone screw me over in the worst ways for over a year. I guess he never really did loved me, but rather, wanted to use me for sexual comfort and companionship.


I didn't mean anything to him at all. Nope. Not one bit...


DAY 158/159





you seem to be doing very very well!


theres a few peoples storys on here that give alot of hope!

but day 159, wow lol! i kinda hope by then me and the ex can get on like adults should, especially for our daughters sake!


take care! good luck

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