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does he WANT me to feel hurt?


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this guy was interested in me and got my number. we flirted back and forth all summer, and we really had a connection! we talked every day. he was a bit of a player though. when he asked me out, even though i REALLY did like him, i wasnt sure if i could trust him. and i told him this. i said he had his other girls, and he said he 'didnt want to date anyone else'. i felt bad, especially because i did feel for him. he didnt understand the 'no, but i still like you' part, so he basically took it as rejection and moved on.


its been rocky ever since i guess you could say. we wanted to remain friends but we got into more fights then ever over the stupidest things. one day he would say he wanted to have sex with me, the very next day he would say something like 'well, i dont LOVE you, so i dont want to have sex with you.'




now he has a new girlfriend. and all he talks about is the stuff they do together when they are alone at night, and doesnt leave any of the dirty details out. it was all the stuff we used to talk about doing once upon a time...


i am not his best friend nor one of his guy friends. im just some girl trying her absolute hardest to figure out why in the world this guy is saying this stuff to me. and it does hit hard on a soft spot on me, and it does hurt a little. do you possibly think thats his intention for telling me these things? trying to make me jealous? almost like a 'look what you are missing' kind of thing?



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i am not his best friend nor one of his guy friends. im just some girl trying her absolute hardest to figure out why in the world this guy is saying this stuff to me. and it does hit hard on a soft spot on me, and it does hurt a little. do you possibly think thats his intention for telling me these things? trying to make me jealous? almost like a 'look what you are missing' kind of thing?




That's what it sounds like... Just tell him it makes you uncomfortable.

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It makes him feel good to know that he could have either of you if he wanted, so he's gloating to you about it. So you know exactly what he is doing but he is so great that you STILL want him! It always kind of got to me when someone would pursue me, then cut me off a few months later. It's like, "why did you even do that?" It's because they (he) likes to call the shots.


Why are you still talking to him? You can get some of that power back by cutting him off. YOU are the one who is making the decision this time, and that decision is to not talk to some guy to treats you so badly.

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I'm wondering why you're giving this jerk the time of day! You've had a very lucky escape, it's not you he's bragging about in minute detail to someone else (would you feel comfortable if it were?) and you were savvy enough not to get involved with him in the first place.


What you are missing is a player with no sense of loyalty, who would want to have sex with you and then say he didn't love you, would have fights with you over stupid things and then show his lack of respect and loyalty to his current girlfriend. Frankly, doesn't sound like a catch to me!

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1. Never get involved with someone you don't think you can trust. Starting a relationship with no trust is sure to lead to problems


2. Never get involved with someone who is giving you signals that he only wants sex. If you declined his offer and then things got rocky or he took it as total rejection of the relationship there seems to be something wrong with the way that he approaches relationships.


3. Never get involved with someone who you know has disrespected women. If he is calling you to make you jealous, and doing so by talking about his sexual escapades with his current girlfriend then he is totally disrespecting that girl. If you were to get involved with him my best bet is that he would be equally disrespectful to you.


Sounds to me like you dodged the bullet with this one. I would move on.


Best of Luck!

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