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Getting back with my moody missus


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My ex (wife) would like us to get back together and although I'm tempted to do this part of me is resisting it.


My problem is that she was very moody and was rarely (seemed) happy during our marriage. I say seemed because when I asked her, she said yes and didn't want me to leave, but for various reasons I did as i felt wh'd drited apart.


No matter what you did, showered her with love and affection, she was always moaing about something or other. I suppose that was in her nature, heck she was one fo these women that found fault in everything. There are men like that to.

But it's frustrating, as I took her up town, as I did in our marriage, to see a play, take her for a meal and drinks and guess what? The play was just "*sighs ok, the meal was mediocre as was the wine" We got back to hers and she uncorked some wine and sat there with a frown on drinking it. Yet, asked me to stay the night and wants to do this again. I want to to, I really do as I had a great evening, but just can't work her out.

Even her sister told her that she was so moody and nagging me all the time I'd leave and well, she was (partly) right. God, what do I do???

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My step mother is 100% the same and I hate her with a passion.


Just never have kids and you'll be fine.



It's complete hell.


Although in reality... is she going to continue to be moody? It's an odd concept... but... why not date her? If you had a good time go for it again. Try and get into a relationship, you have plenty of time! Just try to figure her out


Good luck

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Have you spoken to her about her moodiness? Have you tried pointing out to her when she is in a sour mood? It sounds like she is the type of person who can't be happy unless she is unhappy and moping about something. Can you see yourself spending the rest of your life with such a debbie downer?


That's exactly her! Even her sister was shocked at how she behaved...yet she's a terrific mother to our children. Could not have wished for better there. Man, I've been blessed there. Maybe I will have a long talk about it with her and find out exactly what is causing this...I tried during our marriage but never really got to the bottom of it.

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She could be clinically depressed. Has she ever seen a doctor about this possibility? If she's depressed, it would be hard for her to express enthusiasm or interest. Was there ever a time when she wasn't so down and negative? If she gets some help, there may be hope for her, if not for your relationship.

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Dont give up, it sounds like you still love her and you say she is a good mother. Does she have a life outside of you and the kids? maybe she is resentful of that and needs to spend more time alone or with friends......


Speak to her and tell her you love her, but you are not happy but want to figure out what is wrong, so she must be honest and be willing to accept that she may be in the wrong too (moodiness)...

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If she's this bad, why do you even want to get back with her? If you've made that decision, maybe you should ask her to go into counseling with you.



Because deep down the woman I feel in love with is still there and I've just got to find her again.


Perhaps we both should go into counselling, heck we can't be the only couple out there who would benefit from that.


I did feel like leaving that night, but she asked me to stay with her and I did.

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