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Just pray that I get accepted into nursing school


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Because if I do I'm dunzo. Seriously.


I heard my dad one day say to my mom that he knew I was never going to amount up to anything. He said he "saw it coming".


My mother said that if I don't get accepted, then I will have to just go back to school later in life, maybe right now it's not my calling to be a nurse.


Well, I certainly don't want to put nursing school on hold for years, and be 30, 35+ and going back to school when I could have at least tried to accomplish it sometime in my 20s. The older you are the harder it gets.


She said I'll just have to find a retail job and work 40+hrs a week to support myself.


But guess what, I'm not doing that. I'd rather be dead. I won't do it.

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I really hope you get accepted. And just because you don't now doesn't mean you can't up your GPA and health-related/science classes and try again.


I'm going to be applying to the school of social work soon and I'm terrified. I totally relate to everything you're saying.

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My mom said that if the school I apply to doesn't accept me for Jan. then I'll just have to get a mininum wage job and work 40+ hrs to support myself. Considering the outcome I'll never be able to become a nurse on my own. Classes are intense, everyday for 8 hours..it won't happen. I don't know any other field to look into that will pay as good. I just don't want to imagine what my life might turn out like

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I've been praying that I do every night. Crying and hoping that I get accepted. Because I cannot take my life getting any worse. If I don't get accepted I won't be around for much longer. I just refuse to end up like some of those people who just work at a half assed job in retail/fast food with no future at all.


i am sorry you are in so much pain. and i think what your dad said about you is horrible. look, if you don't get in this time, i would talk to the admissions officers, ask what you can do to 'beef up' your application, and then focus the next year on doing that. I have friends who applied to medical school, they didn't get in the first time, so they took jobs that related to health/science, and then reapplied the next year and got into several schools.


for example, you can get a job working in a hospital, maybe as a receptionist, or you can volunteer to work with children, seniors, etc..... something to show that you are interested in human health.


i am sure you will get to your goal, if not this year, then next year. you have to believe in yourself, believe that you are capable of it.



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I don't want to be like that. There was a lady in my class, around late 30s, and she lived in a tiny apartment, no car, working mininum wage job..she seemed so unhappy that she didn't finish school while she was my age.


She doesn't have a good relationship with her father like me, and he always expresses his dissappointment in how her life has become. She was so angry and resentful


I don't want to end up like her. But i fear that I will. Just forever going to school or trying to get accepted somewhere. Always having to stop and go back to work a minium wage job. I get anxiety thinking about it. I don't want my life to be like that

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i read an article about 'what are the attributes of happy people.' one of the things the author said was that happy people have a plan A, and if that plan doesn't work, then they have a plan B that leads them to the same place where they want to end up. For example, if a person wants to go to medical school, they should say, 'if i don't get in this year, i will try to strengthen my application by getting a job at a hospital, and applying again next year.' they DON'T say, "If i don't get into medical school, i'll try to become a police officer."


have your plans wind up with the same eventual goal. i agree, don't float aimlessly. if you get into nursing school, if that is what you want to do, great!!! if you don't get in, i highly encourage you to go to the admissions office, sit down and say, "I really want to be a nurse. What can I do to improve my application for the next enrollment period?" and the admissions officers will look at your application and point out what you can do. I had a friend who did this when he didn't get into medical school, and he took all of the recommendations of the dean of the medical school, and then got in next year. so, you have to be persistent. that is one of the other aspects of happy people, they don't give up.

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