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tell me why I shouldnt do this... God, I wish I could..

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So, i've been feeling pretty angry all day and I'm thinking of mailing some pictures of my ex to her parents and also to her. Ones where she is in a "compromising" position, lol. I just really think her parents should know how well-adjusted she is and how well they raised her.


Anger is seeping in, more and more. What better revenge for her dad to see his sweet little girl having "blank" put in her "blank" while she is being "blank" by "blank"


ah, sweet revenge. I wish I could actually be so cold...

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So, i've been feeling pretty angry all day and I'm thinking of mailing some pictures of my ex to her parents and also to her. Ones where she is in a "compromising" position, lol. I just really think her parents should know how well-adjusted she is and how well they raised her.


Anger is seeping in, more and more. What better revenge for her dad to see his sweet little girl having "blank" put in her "blank" while she is being "blank" by "blank"


ah, sweet revenge. I wish I could actually be so cold...


What I highlighted in bold is great to think for a split second, but is an incredibly immature thing to actually do.


Think about it this way: At some point, she trusted you enough to do whatever it is that happened, and take photos/video of it. At this point, she should still have the trust that you'll keep private or destroy all of these things. If not, then how are you any better than her? Is it really worth stooping to such a low level for "revenge"?


Why not show you're the bigger person by just completely cutting her out of your life, moving on, and finding happiness? She can ruin her life on her own; she doesn't need any help. I promise.

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Anger is simply a stage of greif. Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance. Its normal and its a good thing. Get angry. DO NOT act on it. The thought of sending that picture does feel good because you want to hurt that person who has done you so much damage.


The thing that will do the most damage to her is for her to see you happy. One day she will see you with someone or see how much you have improved your life and she will think what she lost. And in that time, you will have moved on and she won't get what she wants. Its something to work toward, and its a healthy thing to work towards.

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I know you're angry, but that would show much less class than she has shown. Plus, we girls talk and if you did that, you could pretty much kiss girls goodbye until you move to another town. You sound a little bit like a guy girls should avoid. Take the above advice and live a happy, classy, life.

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I know you're angry, but that would show much less class than she has shown. Plus, we girls talk and if you did that, you could pretty much kiss girls goodbye until you move to another town. You sound a little bit like a guy girls should avoid. Take the above advice and live a happy, classy, life.


there's nothing classy about cheating on someone

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I didnt cheat on anyone. She did. And I'm actually a "nice" guy. I think shes the girl who kinda turned me into the jerk. God knows I've felt the sting of being the nice guy. I think im done with it.


Thats the first step to being healing. Remember that feeling of being done with it. Hold on to it and whenever you feel like crap, remember that feeling. Hold your head high. There is someone out there for you, for us all. You aren't ready to meet her, but after you heal, you will meet her.

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Exploding- i know you are angry but all you will be doing by being a jerk is hurting yourself, the best revenge you could ever have is to move on with your life and be happy again. To actually decide to just be a jerk is verging on the ridiculous. Sorry for my candor but i think it needs to be said for your own good. Why let this woman take anything more from you? Its you that matters now and you need to stay true to yourself.

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you are the nice guy..who fell in love with the wrong girl..just because she rejected you does not mean you have to reject yourself. When you get your stuff together ..you will realise that there is someone better waiting for you... really better..because you did not set your standards high enough when you met...and you know you did not. Yes that new person wont be your ex...well someday you will say..¨Thank God, praise the lord or something else¨ to emphasize how happy you are to have found the one fully appreciative of YOU.


So dont even hint about the immature stuff of posting pictures online. That was an act of two consenting and loving adults in a rels.

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Stick with the anger and let it play out. Find release for it.


Not sending the pictures!


Not "being a jerk" and going out and taking your anger at the slimy ex onto some unsuspecting girl or girls who has done nothing to you to deserve that crap.


That would just be passing the buck to someone else, and that is the reason you are angry with slimy cheater!! So that makes no sense to try that pain transfer or whatever people call it now.


You need a release for the anger. What do you do now for it?


Anger can be a really great way to self destruct if you don't have a good way of harnassing it for good instead of chaos.

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wow, i honestly thought i would never meet another person who had the same thoughts has me.


Dude, i had so many pictures of my ex and me together. Doing all kinds of things.

And after we broke up and i found some horrible things about her. I really wanted to ruin her life. By sending her parents those photos. That would result in her parents chucking her out of the house. No school. Prtty much reck her life. And she is only 16 now.


But as some one said before. She trusted you enough with those pictures so do the right thing and keep them safe. I know yuo said you wont show them. And thats good. You just went through an angry stage and really wanted to hurt her. Feels good knowing how much power you have at your disposal. And teh chance to ruin some ones life. But how you use it shows what type of person you are.


Its hard to resist not showing those pictures.


And dont be a jerk. Like some one else said. You met the wrong girl, so did i.

But after a while we pick our selves back up. Kick her out of our memories. And meet other girls. One of them who is nice. And being a jerk to her could really hurt that girl.


So be the nice person you were or still are. And forget about your ex and stop letting her control your life. Cause she will if you become a jerk.

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