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I don't know why. I have been doing really well lately almost even happy with myself and where I am. Last night I was afraid to go to bed because I didn't want to have to get up today. I have been at work for over and hour. I am terrified to move like if I do something bad is going to happen. I think this all sounds entirely crazy because I can't think of a reason why I feel this anxious. I don't know if anyone has ever felt like this or knows what I can do. I just feel like there is something terribly wrong I can't put my finger on and eventually it is just going to suffocate me. I don't know if anyone can help me not feel this way, but I appreciate your taking the time to read this.

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Are you having panic attacks? Heart racing, body feels like it has to run away, sweating, etc?


You might have something called Generalized Anxiety Disorder (aka prone to panic attacks). See your doctor if this continues. You might need some meds and a bit of therapy to help you with this.


I hope you feel better very soon.



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Sometimes I feel like this, I hate it. Its like, everything is fine, but inside I feel like everything is wrong! And I feel very anxious. The best cure Ive found is valium. I think it is a sort of panic attack, anxiety disorder, if it is bothering you on a regular basis I would go see your doctor.


Good Luck! And remember, you are not alone!

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As avman says, go and see your doctor if this persists. Or, just make an appointment today, and go and see him/her anyway, because it sounds ongoing. Your nickname suggests that you've felt this way for a while. It may be a chemical imbalance which can be remedied by medication.


You said you'd been happy lately. Try to tell yourself that the unhappiness you feel now is only temporary, and that you will be in your normal happy again soon. Maybe while you're feeling afraid, you should write down what it is exactly that's bothering you. Then, when you feel better with things, write a counterpoint to each of the negatives you felt. Write the counterpoints now if you can, perhaps thinking of specific reason that something isn't as bad as you think it is, and getting it down on paper will help. Tell yourself you were just recently happy, and will be again soon.

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I hear you. When things go well for me I expect something to go wrong. I expect a surprise attack. It gets so bad that I can't relax and enjoy anything. It's a form of paranoia for me and it affects me physically mentally and socially.

All I can tell you is that if you are the same or similar it won't go away overnight but you can fight it and control it. Use whatever resources you can get your hands on and tackle it from more than one angle. Sometimes drugs can help but they just alleviate the symptoms. For me the whole thing is tied up with low self esteem.

Don't be afraid to hassle your doctor for counselling, consider paying for it if you have to. Don't let anyone tell you its all in your head or belittle you. Don't belittle yourself either. You didn't get this way on your own and you don't have to sort it out alone.

One of the things that I found helpful was learning to meditate. Give yourself time and space and you will figure it out. There is a lot of good literature out there too. If you want some suggestions let me know.

Some people are too sensitive for this world,



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