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He's really starting to get weird on me...


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Okay, so I've been talking with my friend Jon a lot over the past couple weeks, and I can tell he likes me more than a friend. Usually I act oblivious the things he says that hint he likes me more than a friend, but now it's just a little too weird.


He likes to text me a lot, and this is a tiny bit of our conversation last night. This starts around 1:45 am;



You still there?



Yeah. I was getting ready for bed.



When I talk to people at night and they leave me, I feel sad and alone. I'm sure you needed to know that.


(At this^, I was thinking to myself 'I actually DIDN'T need to know that. That sounds like you're trying to make me feel bad'. I tend to fall asleep on him a lot at 1:00-3:30 AM because I'M TIRED, but that's when he likes to text me. Can you blame me?)



Well that just makes me feel awful. xD



It's like, you're having a conversation with someone, and then they leave, and you dont realize until that moment that you really are alone.


(I was tempted to text back saying "You don't honestly expect me to stay awake at these hours, do you? D



I see. I know where you're coming from.



And then i start to think about little things that dont even matter. Like how you didn't give me a hug today.


(Let me fill you in. That day I hung out with him at my house because he wouldn't stop pestering me about it. But I didn't want to be alone, so I had my friend Olga come by too. After a few hours, Olga had to leave. She gave me and him a hug 'goodbye' and left me with him. But when I finally kicked him out saying I had to go somewhere, I didn't hug him at all. Apparently that bothered him.)




Oh my. Did that bother you? Sorry about that. It's just that I don't like to do that with guys because it sometimes gives them the wrong idea that I may like them more than a friend, and that would be troublesome.



(A hint that I don't like him like that. But I don't think he got it.)




Yeah I know what you mean



Me: I can't be dealing with guys who like me like that, you know? I just got out of a bad relationship and I'm not ready to just jump into a new one. @_@ I'm not one to date anyway.


(that 'bad' relationship involved a really abusive/stalker boyfriend. The whole thing has emotionally scarred me. I've told him about this before.)



Well, I just got out of a relationship too. It wasn't a bad one tho. It was really good. Best one I ever had. But I'm the same way right now.


(Meanwhile, I'm like '...WHAT?! )


Me: I don't like to date much. I've only dated 3 guys, but I always hated it at first.


(I don't like troubling myself with relationships that wont last long. But I just end up giving in and tell myself to deal with it later)



It all depends on the person, you know?




I'm tired. I'm going to sleep.



Ok. Talk to me tomorrow.




I think I'm dealing with another creep. He kind of reminds me of my last boyfriend, trying making me feel bad and stuff. I'm going to have to confront him about the way he's acting. I can't deal with this.

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Sounds like he's insecure. He's already being clingy and you're just friends. And he's not even considerate enough to not text you at 1:45 am?? That's a sign of selfishness - he's thinking of what he needs, which is reassurance from you. I don't see this ending in a beautiful friendship.

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Well you shouldn't be hanging out/talking to him if you don't like him


Exactly what I was thinking...


I wouldn't chat to him and because what he says, would make me cringe. Nothing worse than encountering a guy online, who will say stupid things such as *Give me a hug*...and sloppy, lovey dovey talk, which quickly moves on, to *What are you wearing*...


Id be running for the hills...

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