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my situation

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who tells you these things?


'they', where I was talking about

L.V. wasn't that expensive b/c second hand and even then.. was my most expensive spending of money in years and I had received money b/c family member died (so hope you don't focus on that), I still had paid loads of other things as well like last two weeks for ex. wig of 590 EUR b/c I need to wear one, hundreds of euros at hospital bills,..

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I understand. I also am worried that someone I know might identify me on here.


Listen, I don`t understand fear disorders. I just said what first came to mind because I see that most of your threads on here are talking about getting cancer, or poison, or cross-eyes, or allergies...


I'm sure it`s not easy living in your shoes and you seem very couragous to have dealt with all these things and still be pursuing your education. Many people would have given up long ago.

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thnx, I kind of like your advise; I'm fine if it a little bit almost attacks me (as long as things are with respect and preferable also with good intentions) b/c it could make me think again and/or give new insights and sometimes it's better than when someone is just agreeing like whole the time

I don't see anything as an attack though but I realise you (or in general when someone is giving comment that doesn't sounds only positive or is about some more critical things about the person itself) must take the risk the O.P. (I) will react irritated or take it personal so good sign if someone takes that risk just in order to help

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And I agree my most recent threads contain often expressions of doubt, panic, stress, needing information,.. think that is a main need for me at the moment b/c I live alone and often get to things that are causing those questions

Also good way to react I found that you gave compliment even though I know it's like that that I want to keep holding on it does well if someone repeats such things every now and then so I keep on holding courage and can be more content about how things progress

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there always stay a lot of contradictionairy things like what if one parent starts frustating the most while it's the other who has to pay as only one so first person could make two people irritated against each other by frustrating even more so the child will finally see no other choise than asking the money to other parent

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  • 1 month later...

O.K., now the update about my study.


I have to choose within two weeks (that's when it's the last date to inscribe is) what to do.


They suggest me - like it sounds most logical to me at first sight as well and what could be very logic for them even b/c they probably have found out I did regret it I kind of let myself convince by them previous year to inscribe for several subjects to get the succes feeling (regret b/c my health issues weren't over at all yet so wasn't very able to follow the lessons nor study and annulated my exams (I explained to the main/head person who has to give permission to re inscribe as well)) - to wait continuing study until my health is fully O.K..


If I choose not to subscribe for this year, I have to expect I can't stay at this studentbuilding b/c usually when you hire a student room you have to be inscribed for a study. I already signed the contract for the next year and the year has already started. I also really like the building and location (for ex. it's central at the city and near the hospital which makes me feel more secure at moments me health isn't that well).


If I do want to inscribe they will make it hard for me b/c the system of studypoints has been completely changed since the start of the new study year (I will have to do with this fact if I choose for the previous option as well, ofcourse). So it's not really about taking exams at summer if you fail for the previous time during exam but more about how quickly you pass each exam (at how many times) and if you take over often subjects to a next year (it easily happens when you have a syndrome like this - the chronical tiredness syndrome - so even b/c of that you have no other choise than spreading out your subjects) you finally risk the chance of not having permission to do any study. I also look against it to take the same risk as previous year b/c I feel I have disadvantages instead of a lot of other students (especially the self financing and health issues) which decrease my chance of passing the exams.

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Also, b/c psychiatry called the study department - where I were like planned, two days ago - while I was there so I expect to control if everything went like they planned together b/c I let someone know that I was going to annulate visit with psychiatry that afternoon (see previous thread eventually for background information, I will post the link after having finished this text).

I answered the person of study department (where I were b/c I have to go to talk about re inscription) that I plan to annulate it. She tried to convince me to go (ofcourse) and that it was a bad idea if I won't and that I will decrease myself the chance to use study advice again (b/c they are connected (partly b/c I gave permission about a year ago when they asked) and b/c it would mean for them I refuse the psychological help).


She also started about a study test I had to make about 3 years ago from someone else of the study department and guess result would be negative for me and I find it unfair to start about it again (well, and why not previous year when I was at this point (of re inscribtion) ? ; situation sounds similar to me) and I found it unfair how it was taken (I were for example told to take my time and afterwards I had to hear I was less fast than most others; - )

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are you sure this is the choice you want to make? I still think you can finish your degree but it's going to require some major changes in your life. For one thing, it seems that you absolutely need to continue with the therapist. Also, are you able to take less classes, get a tutor to help learn the material, and begin regular physical exercise? These things will surely help you to get the grades you need.

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  • 1 year later...


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