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i had sex with a man 5 days ago and now have a yeast infection. Iam also experiencing cramping. Does anyone know if this could be an early sign of pregnancy? Pls help as I am so nervous right now because it would be a dissaster if I was.

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i had sex with a man 5 days ago and now have a yeast infection. Iam also experiencing cramping. Does anyone know if this could be an early sign of pregnancy? Pls help as I am so nervous right now because it would be a dissaster if I was.


I am going to assume that you did not use protection? Any who...the only thing that of is that something mut have irritatted you. Women are so sensitive in that area...almost anything could cause you to get one so I would not narrow it to being pregnant unless you are late or missed your cycle. I would still go to the doctor to see what's going on if I were you.

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i did see the doctor yesterday and from what he could see he said that it is probably a yeast infection, but did the full test to be sure. I won;t have the results until friday. yah the cramping is really worrying me. the doc said that with abdominal cramps it could be some many other things. one is a more serious infection, gas, constipation, and maybe even pregnancy. too early though to do a test. I just can't believe that this is happening. I am so stressed out and shaking right now.

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I had a yeast infestion with severe cramping a few months back-could barely walk. Don't make yourself crazy until you've been tested. Please use protection next time and don't sleep with your partner until the infection has cleared or you'll pass it back and forth.

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Hi Holly, thanks. how long did you have the cramping. For me it is now almost 3 days. Also how many days after intercourse did you get the crampin, yeast infection. I am in so much pain now and the doctor said that usually when one has a yeast infection they don;t have cramps. Did your take the regular medication for a yest infection, or did you require anitbotics.

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