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im confused with this girl


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so i have been talking to this girl on the phonem for about two weeks and it started out really good and it still is decent. but latley we have been running out of topics to talk about. i mean we still talk about random and menaingfull things but i am throughoughly confused. she seems like she has an interest in me and we are seeing a movie on saturday but somthing about the conversation has diminished. i cannot put my finger on it. so i worked into the conversation these words " you know i really enjoy talking to you, do you enjoy talking to me?" she said " aww thanks, and yes of course" but it seems she does nto share the same enthusiasim she had when we first started talking. Im pretty confused. i mean i am a very nice guy i compliment her constantly and she always tells me how i am the nicest guy she has ever met. and i know those lines are not good. but what am i suposed to do about that im just a nice guy. what should i do in this entire situation. at the movies i am planning to hold her hand and go in for a kiss. is this a good idea? she seems interested in me but then not. she is sending me major mixed signals. at one point she is flirting with me and then others she is standoffish. so help?? (( excuse spelling sorry ))

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This is why talking on the phone is no good, you haven't even met in person (i guess) and you already ran out of topics to talk about.


Going to the movies isn't a very good first date either since you don't really face and talk to each other. What you should have done is keep the phone calls to a minimum.


Maybe you guys will connect when you meet, good luck to ya.

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Also, don't decide in advance what you're going to do on a date as regards kissing etc.. Be sensitive as to where she's at - if you're getting lots of signals that she'd want a kiss then go for it, but not otherwise. I've been on dates where I was keen on the guy - but totally lost my feelings for them when they tried to move in too fast - especially when they started to act all hurt when I gently expressed how I felt about it.

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First of all, stop acting like a doormat and stop giving her compliments CoNsTaNtLy. You should limit the amount of phone calls per week you two have and limit the time you spend on the phone. Even the best conversationalists won't be able to talk every single day for 2 whole weeks. When you see her, don't go to the cinemas...please!

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