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Sick sexual fantasies


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Hi guys,


I hope you can help because i really want to move on from this.

A friend (FEMALE) and I got really drunk at a sleep over a few nights ago, we stayed up and talked into the night and the talking turned to sexual fantasies. I'm quite open sexually and whilst i don't push my sex life on to people i;m quite happy to discuss it with my friends.

She then told me this fantasy she has which involves very young women (not children) having sex with relatives. She reasured me this isn't something that she has taken part in or even wants to, just the thought of it turns her on.

This has just made me feel really really ill. I didn't know what to say so shortly afterwards i went to bed. I don't think she knows that i was raped when i was much younger but i don't understand how a normal sweet lovely helpful kind girl can get turn on by this its sick!!

How can i be her friend when i know she likes the thought of this? Am i over reacting?


Thanks Sugar x

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thats an odd fantasy. but i'd say as long as it wasnt one about underage kids then its not all that wrong.. a little weird but not wrong.

i mean there are people out there who get off watching animals get stomped to death..

remember it could be worse.

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The conversation triggered something in you. A fantasy is just that...nothing more. As long as she does not act on it, then she can have whatever fantasy she wants. That is why it is not a good idea to share fantasies with friends.

If you are feeling uncomfortable, make sure that the subject does not come up again.

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As long as your friend has a clear distinction between fantasy and reality, I'd say it's nothing to bother yourself with. I know people (including myself who have some fantasies that are pretty out there, but that would never be acted out, or even a turn on in real life.


You're friend has made it clear it's nothing she's ever done or wants to do; she seems to know the difference, so I think it was just girls sharing their deep secrets and I wouldn't let it get to you.

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If this made you incomfortable, then you should probably refain from any sexual talk with her in the future.


Be glad you are simply a friend to her, and not her relative.


It could very well be that she may have been abused herself and this seems "normal" to her- who knows....

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More people then you would think have fantasies like that. There is nothing wrong with it. People get off on rape, bestiality, incest, it doesn't mean there bad or sick. If you want to you could tell her it upset you. Chances are that she will understand.

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I think you guys are taking it the wrong way. The girl isn't into one of her relatives. When she has this fantasy, she's probably not thinking of herself having sex with one of her relatives. She's probably thinking of a situation in which a young woman has sex with someone else in her family. There are several erotic themes in this sort of situation, who of which are dominance (assuming the other person is male), and taboo (the act is forbidden or looked down upon, making it all the more exciting).


Honestly, I don't find it that weird at all. I took a human sexuality class where I learned that something like 80% of all women report fantasizing about rape. I'm sure that 80% would neither want to be raped themselves or would condone rape happening to anyone else. It is a fantasy, nothing more. As long as it stays a fantasy, I don't really see any problems with it.


Try to be open-minded. It's her thing, YOU don't have to like it. As everyone else suggested, just don't bring up the topic in the future.

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People have all kinds of weird sexual fantasies. Part of human life. Get over it.


Nancy Fridays "My Secret Garden" should be a rather graphic recollection of womens sexual fantasies.


If you read the OPs post there is a lot more for her to get over than just that fact that her friend has some weird ass fantasies.


I find it extremely weird, comparing it to a girl calling me, "daddy," while i'm having sex with her does not relate at all.. If so, ive been with alot of incest women. me and my cousin (not related even 0.1%,) kissed once, but we were 6.. thinking about ever even doing anything with her just makes me want to vomit, same with anyone else i'm related too.

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If you read the OPs post there is a lot more for her to get over than just that fact that her friend has some weird ass fantasies.


She fantasised about relatives having sex with young girls. Not having sex with relatives herself. Except for the fact that some may find it weird and doesn't like it, what is the problem?


Of course I understand that the fact that the OP has been raped at an early age may add to the discomfort.


I find it extremely weird, comparing it to a girl calling me, "daddy," while i'm having sex with her does not relate at all.. If so, ive been with alot of incest women. me and my cousin (not related even 0.1%,) kissed once, but we were 6.. thinking about ever even doing anything with her just makes me want to vomit, same with anyone else i'm related too.


I am not sure I understand you here. Could you clarify it a bit?

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This I agree with.. It's not that uncommon.. Disturbing? yes..


Exactly. I never said it wasn't uncommon. I just found it disturbing. Similarly, those new Taco Bell commercials where they sing about the prices and have this little mexican hat dance thing going on are deeply disturbing but not at all uncommon.

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She fantasised about relatives having sex with young girls. Not having sex with relatives herself. Except for the fact that some may find it weird and doesn't like, what is the problem?


Of course I understand that the fact that the OP has been raped at an early age may add to the discomfort.


Maby I didn't understand her, i figured a relative had raped her, which would change everything if it wasn't.


I am not sure I understand you here. Could you clarify it a bit?


Previous poster compared a girl saying, "daddy," during sex to this, not you.

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Thanks for your opinions guys it really helps to discuss this with other people who aren't involed...so thats.


Maybe i was being narrow minded. It just hit a nerve for me because of my past (although that did not involve my family) Maybe I was just being over sensitive.


She is my friend and although i still personally think this fantasy is wrong/odd i should not judge her as a person.


Thank you xxx

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it could be worse. I remember a girl one time telling me that sometimes during masturbation, she fantasizes about * * * * ing an Oompah-Loompah, No kidding. You know, the little orange dudes from Willy Wonka? Anyways, she asked me to sing that dumb song while we were having sex. It was kind of a mood-killer for me though.....lol

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