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Why a young man cheating?


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People often cheat to satisfy their own ego, or feelings of insecurity that are fed by the attention of a new sexual partner. Those are only a couple of examples, many, many more but I would guess most of the reasons are from within the cheater, not external.

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hard to tell - we are not him! maybe he is feeling all the pressures of his work and job, the marriage isn't new and fresh and exciting anymore, and the affair gives him the rush he misses. maybe this woman is different from his wife somehow, so he has that 'variety thing' going on. maybe him and his wife are having problems at home that you don't know about? just thoughts....

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That is such nonsense! I know numerous men, including my father, who have been married many years and remained faithful to their wives. This genetic crap is yet another excuse to go outside the marriage for sex.


We all need to be responsible for the choices we make in life!!!!

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We all need to be responsible for the choices we make in life!!!!


I agree with slice 100%, it's unnatural to expect anyone to be monogamous - it goes againt our instinct. But I agree with you holly, that if you make the commintment you need to be responsible.


who knows what's going on in this guy's head or private life... there could be reasons, but in order to satisy his desire for variety he needs to end things with his ex.


I also get a strong feeling here that the OP is the other woman, call me crazy, but I just sense it

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married only 3-4 years, have 1-2 years old child and cheating?

Obviously there is an oppoturninty that an attractive woman interested in him....


when do you think is the right time for cheating then?


i only sort of agree with slice. i can't say that women are fully wired for monogamy either, i won't say that it's only men. marriage is a challenge, there will always be temptations elsewhere. whether 6 months in or 50 years in. it depends on how committed the person is to their marriage on whether or not they will resist the temptation.

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