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  • 2 weeks later...
Awww, really?


I have had it on my shelf since the day it came out but I'm too afraid that I'll dislike it.


I loved Angels and Demons so much. Da vinci code was rather bad, in my opinion. I was hoping he'd go back to what he was doing with A&D but I guess not.


yep, it is really bad.


i liked Da Vinci Code the best. felt A&D dragged a bit towards the end. but the Lost Symbol is such a sloppy job.

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I'm reading Love in the Time of Cholera, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I've read two other books of his (Chronicle of a Death Foretold and One Hundred Years of Solitude), and I'm loving this one as much as I loved the others. Bought it yesterday and am already half-way through!



Do you recommend Love in the time of Cholera? I've heard it's excellent.


I'm currently reading Mao unknown story, by Juang Chang and Jon Halliday

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