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link removed by Ayn Rand.


Interesting how her ideas are all coming true in modern day america. I think all of our members of government should read this book.


Ack.. I hate her political ideology but love her writing.. LOVED Fountainhead..

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sylvia plath the bell jar


I read that one awhile ago. I don't think I completely understood all of it; probably need to give it another read.


Right now I got two books: Under the Banner of Heaven, by Jon Krakauer and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. The first book is purely for my enjoyment. The second one I am reading out loud to my 7 year old son. We're attempting to go through the whole series: read the book, then watch the movie version. We just finished the first book and movie, and my son, the awesome little man that he is, loved the book more than the movie. And he always hates when I stop reading to him each evening.... "just one more page Mommy!" Gotta love it! ;-)

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Ack.. I hate her political ideology but love her writing.. LOVED Fountainhead..


Second that. I LOVED Atlas Shrugged. Wasn't too hot on Fountainhead though; thought some of the characters written were so selfish, that I just couldn't wrap my head around it and didn't find them belivable. Everyone is human and flawed and no one can be so principaled all of the time.

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I've been trying to read Atlas Shrugged for aroung a year now. I just can't get in to it...


Starting 1984 within the next day or so... And as always about once a day or so I still read snippets of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.


I've tried twice but I keep getting distracted about half way through and give up. Starting again this week though, only book I brought home with me for a reason.


1984 is great though

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The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand


personal favourite.


just finished 'a long way gone' - ishmael beah...life of a child soldier.. completely recommend it.


recently...'a million little pieces' - james frey...i guess there's some controversy aroundt this one...but i enjoyed it...regardless of what oprah thought

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I've tried twice but I keep getting distracted about half way through and give up. Starting again this week though, only book I brought home with me for a reason.


1984 is great though


haha...just wait until you get to the speech at the end (if you ever do get that far...). that's when it gets ridiculous.

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It's not necessarily the text itself I struggle with, its just that it requires a fair bit of input and dedication and I usually have trouble finding the time to put that effort in.


But I'm anticipating this crazy speech now.


lol...sorry about that. it's not a bad thing...it's just long. i've encountered several people who put the book away half way through it.


i found it took a couple hundred pages to get into 'atlas shrugged'. seems by then you're used to the language

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i'm reading (try not to laugh) ''receiving love'' (i can't help but smile) by 'harville hendrix'. it's a pretty interesting investigation into the whole relationship dynamic. seems pretty relevent to this place. i think most of the problems we all encounter in relationships are somewhat universal. it's almost scary.

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"Eats, shoots and leaves"


It's a book about the proper use of punctuation. The author is quite witty but it's pretty hard to follow what she is trying to say sometimes. She name drops like crazy. I don't know who half of these people are.


Also, she's british and british and american punctuation rules differ quite a bit.

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"Eats, shoots and leaves"


It's a book about the proper use of punctuation. The author is quite witty but it's pretty hard to follow what she is trying to say sometimes. She name drops like crazy. I don't know who half of these people are.


Also, she's british and british and american punctuation rules differ quite a bit.


I have one of her other books - "Talk to the Hand". She is fun to read! Though sometimes it drones on and on. lol.


Right now I'm reading "The in-between world of Vikram Lall". by MG Vasssanji.


Ok, get this. The blurb on the cover quoted from Globe and Mail says "Belonging in a category with Tolstoy's War and Peace, Vassanji's saga is sweeping in scope....Brilliant."


Wrong! I am 3/4 of the way in, and it's only starting to get anywhere actually interesting. At least with War and Peace, you just have to chug through the first few chapters of plodding along.


Ok, so it's not bad, but I don't understand why it got such a good review. It's somewhat drawn out and dull.

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