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I asked a woman at work out. My method was discreet, I didn't want to make her unconfortable, so I left a note on her car and crossed my fingers that I wont make a fool of myself


She is a single mother, 28 yrs old, with a daughter that nine. She's beautiful just like her mother, the look so much alike its cute. I'm 24 turning 25 in March. Two days after I left her the note, she called me and accepted.


We went out last night, and it was a great success, I think we really impressed each other, and she told me she would call me back soon to go out again, but she wants to take me out somewhere. I told during the date that I wanted to really get to know her, be a friend to her for now, that If she ever needs to talk or needs help, to call me anytime, I'll be there for her. She reallllly loved that and I when I said she knew I meant it. She laid her head on my shoulder and looked in my eyes and gave me this incredible smile afterwards. Can anyone say butterflies?

I also gave a one single BLUE rose, it's a millennium rose for new beginnings, but she didn't want to open it there, she wanted to wait till she got home. I bet you she was surprised to find a blue rose, i think she was expecting a red one It's just my way of showing her I want to take it a day at time, slowly. One things for sure, I can see myself falling for this woman big time, but Im being careful.


Since it is DECEMBER now, I figure with courage, care and patience, everything will work out great, and by FEBRUARY (Valentine's), I can send her some red roses to show how I really feel. She'll be working too that day. Can anyone give me advice on this? What do you think? Is it too fast or not? Any comment would be greatly apreciated.


Now I'm thinking about New Years, doing something with her again. Is it too fast to do so?


Have a beautiful Xmas and a Great New Year everyone.



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are you sure you want to be a step-dad at 24 to a girl who's already 9? if she gets married at 25, you'd only be 40 years old. that's assuming you managed to pay for her uni education when she turns 18.


love and romance are important, but so are the serious aspects of keeping that love alive, and that includes financial management.


if you have considered all angles, then go for it. your timing is perfect. and don't ever stop being romantic or you're history. these promises you made today are meant to be kept for a lifetime.

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I don't think wanting to do something on New Year's would be too fast, personally, it's still a couple weeks off, and gives her plenty of time to plan, with no pressure.


Only other thing I'd add is (and you've probably thought of this already), I'd send her the flowers at home, or give them to her yourself, instead of send them at work - it depends on her personality if she'd feel awkward answering questions about them there especially since you're just in the beginning dating stages.

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I don't think wanting to do something on New Year's would be too fast, personally, it's still a couple weeks off, and gives her plenty of time to plan, with no pressure.


Paul - That's what I was thinking too. I think she would really enjoy it.


Only other thing I'd add is (and you've probably thought of this already), I'd send her the flowers at home, or give them to her yourself, instead of send them at work - it depends on her personality if she'd feel awkward answering questions about them there especially since you're just in the beginning dating stages.


Paul - Trust me, I did think about it, and I think I will send them to her either at home. At work might be too awkward. Even If I show up at work with them it would still be awkward. Im really not sure how she would react. All I know is we hit it off in a great way, and the promisses I made, I meant him whole heartedly.

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