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She is acting cold all of a sudden


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We have been dating for 4 months and we pretty much live together now for the past 2 months. Everything was going great, we were both in love and she would tell me all the time. Less than a week ago she told me that she wanted to love me forever and that i was the "one"


Now in the past 3-5 days all of a sudden its like she doesn't even like me. She won't tell me she loves me unless I tell her first. She use to show affection to me all the time hugging/kissing/holding hands and now its like unless I initiate it we wouldn't even touch each other. I kind of got fed up and was like fine, if your not into I won't be either and I just kind of stoped initiating, last night we slept on like opposite ends of the bed, when a week ago we would of been right next to each other all night. I think she can sort of tell that I'm a little backed off and its drawn her out a little more, but thats not really a good thing. I mean I don't understand how things could be like 100% perfect 4 days ago and then all of a sudden she sort of went cold twards me?? Could it be PMS? I don't want it to sound like she treats me liek crap now, if anyone saw us together they would say we had a fine relationship, its just not as "lovey dovey

" as it was before... Well I guess thats it.

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I've been in that situation you're in before.

And it turned out she broke up with me. If I were you, or if I could go back and change anything, I would sit her down and just try to find the reason why this is happening. Try to reach a compromise and if she says she needs to be alone - You Had Better Give It To Her if you want to keep being with her.


Good luck, pal.

I hope things work out for ya.

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I don't necessarily agree with akatoro. Maybe she is just having a bad week at work, maybe she is on her period and doesn't want to lead you on for a disappointment, or maybe she just doesn't feel good. I do agree with akatoro on sitting down with her and talking to her. See if maybe there is something you can do, but go easy if you ask her the question on PMS'ing because that might piss her off if she really is if you know what I mean. Good Luck, and keep you chin up.

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I think that you should talk to her about it. If you want your relationship to last then you have to learn to communicate. What is bothering her is most likely very insignificant. You are most likely doing more damage from your reaction and not talking about her being distant.


Just talk about it, find out whats bothering her. Let her know that you love and support her, even the stuff thats not "right". Good luck!

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