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Do You Think Women are More Apologetic about Cheating or Men?


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I just want to get everyone's opinion on this and maybe the situations they've been in or have heard about. Are women more apologetic about cheating on their boyfriends/husbands or are men? I think there's a certain level of cockiness/arrogance displayed by vocal cheaters...who don't care about putting the other person through crazy emotions and playing them for fools. But not everyone is like that (I would hope).


I'm wondering this because my ex-girlfriend played me HARD and had me going for a while. I don't want to talk to her because frankly she means nothing to me anymore...I couldn't care less about her and don't WANT to open a dialogue. But I'm still wondering if in the back of her mind she's sorry.

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She is sorry..Sorry she got caught. Thats my opinion of it. Cheating takes thought. You don't just fall into someone, naked. Even if someone was at a party and got stinkin drunk, they still have to take off their clothes, which to me is about 20 seconds of thought.

Someone you loved deided to have sex with someone else. Eventually they will have to get an alibi, and probably in the end, blame it on you..


So when someone is really sorry for cheating, they are sorry they got caught, and it bruises their ego cause maybe they thought they were pretty good at being sneaky.

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I think men are more apologetic than women. Most of the women I've seen that cheated did it because they felt as though they were seeking revenge. On the other hand, men seem more apologetic because they're always claiming they "made a mistake" or got "weak" etc.

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I'm not there's a general tendency either way. In my very limited experience, the men I've known who have cheated have certainly shown more remorse than the women, but it's an extremely small sample and I certainly wouldn't wish to claim that it reflects the underlying population. It certainly varies widely by individuals, and not always in the way you might expect.

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I honestly believe that most women who do cheat do it because they are being neglected and thereforeeee feel as though they are "entitled" to cheat. The ones I've known to cheat--did it because they wanted to rebel AGAINST the relationship they were already in.

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My ex, a man, cheated on me, but he was only sorry about it because he was afraid of being alone after it didn't work out with his new "love"


When someone cheats, it is not about you, it is about the cheater's own issues, of needing a distraction, needing some attention, needing to fill some hole of loneliness or frustration. But instead of talking out these concerns with the significant other, they simply latch on to the first willing body.


True remorse means it will never happen again.

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She is sorry..Sorry she got caught. Thats my opinion of it. Cheating takes thought. You don't just fall into someone, naked. Even if someone was at a party and got stinkin drunk, they still have to take off their clothes, which to me is about 20 seconds of thought.

Someone you loved deided to have sex with someone else. Eventually they will have to get an alibi, and probably in the end, blame it on you..


So when someone is really sorry for cheating, they are sorry they got caught, and it bruises their ego cause maybe they thought they were pretty good at being sneaky.


Never looked at it from that POV.

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I honestly believe that most women who do cheat do it because they are being neglected and thereforeeee feel as though they are "entitled" to cheat. The ones I've known to cheat--did it because they wanted to rebel AGAINST the relationship they were already in.


That's not my experience. My girlfriend had no reason to feel she needed to rebel because I was treating her wrong.

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I wasn't treating my ex wrong, either. If anything, he was the one mistreating me--He was verbally abusive, for one thing, and was also extremely jealous.


Even if we had been treating them poorly, it still doesn't give them the right to cheat. What should happen is open communication--talking and sorting through problems, so that both people are involved in the decision to either stay and work it out, or let go.


When someone cheats, the decision is made by one person, and usually abruptly, and definitely in the most painful of ways.

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Are women more apologetic about cheating on their boyfriends/husbands or are men?


I don't think it has anything to do with gender, but rather individual personality traits- like what you mentioned here:



I think there's a certain level of cockiness/arrogance displayed by vocal cheaters...who don't care about putting the other person through crazy emotions and playing them for fools.


I think a person's sense of morality, their views on forgiveness, their self-esteem, and the priority the relationship holds in their life also has a lot to do with how they will react if they were caught cheating.

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Whereas the men--I've personally know--cheated because they think they can get away from it and were only after one thing--SEX...


Men do it for the physical effect, and women do it for the emotional effect. Make sense??


Ok everyone cheats because they think they can get away with it...If someone didn't think they could get away with it they'd either A) not do it or B) break-up first. They choose to do it because they think they can get away with it. Otherwise theyd save themselves the drama and break it off and then get their rocks off.


I love how your views are so one-sided. Men are these vagina chasing two-timing sex-a-holics who only cheat on there ATTENTIVE and LOVING partners to get their jollies off. Whereas women are only cheating because somethings lacking in the relationship. Oh no! Women would never cheat on their husbands or boyfriends because they thought some guy was hot and wanted his penis in them. Women have to either be abused physically or mentally or have to not be getting attention from their SO's in order for them to cheat. They're so above just wanting penis...


Do you actually believe this load of crap?




I think you cannot label one sex more apologetic than another. Its the type of person they are...Most of us here have been cheated on. So for the jaded females you're going to get a lot of the aboves posted. And for the jaded males you're going to get a lot of the opposite.


IMO if they cheat they already labelled themselves as a piece of crap in my eyes...If they're apologetic or not it doesn't matter. They're still a piece of crap. I don't believe all these "I was too drunk," or "she seduced me," or "its not cheating because different area code," lol. That last one was a little funny. People just need to stop making excuses and own up to their actions. Both sexes cheat, both sexes make up excuses for it, both sexes are often apologetic afterwards. But the damage is already done by then...


IMO/E Women are the more likely to blame it on the other person in the relationship...Hence why we have all the females on boards saying how its because they were neglected, abused or cheated on. A decent human being isn't going to throw away their morals for revenge...Save your lame excuses.

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My ex cheated on me and he was sorry alright! Sorry that I still remembered his infidelity from years ago. If he truly was sorry, he would have changed and SHOWN me what he has changed within himself to become a better person and give me a reason to trust him again. I never got any of that...it was just a lame "I'm sorry" over and over again when he really was sorry for nothing. Now he's rotting in his misery and he can stay in it.

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