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he's lying to me...again guys


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^^he isn't even wasting time on me NOW. he isn't worried about anything . . . just himself. he just wants to play. he's just a child.


when i start to obsess over him ... i stop and say STOP Barbie! you know he isn't obsessing over you .... don't give him your time!


That's good, that's what you need to do.

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Hes stupid. He'll realise this


he is very stupid. and i hope one day he realizes it.


you cannot treat people like dirt and expect good things to come your way in life.


you can't just toss people out of your life like that.


he could've broke up with me the 'right' way. but instead, he just didn't come home.


i found out the night he didn't come home that he was at a party ... and everyone was asking where i was ... and he kept telling everyone that he didn't give an *F* where i was ... and people kept saying well aren't you getting married ... and he said *F* no! this was all the night he didn't come home ... before i even knew we were broken up.


amazing huh?

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he is very stupid. and i hope one day he realizes it.


you cannot treat people like dirt and expect good things to come your way in life.


you can't just toss people out of your life like that.


he could've broke up with me the 'right' way. but instead, he just didn't come home.


i found out the night he didn't come home that he was at a party ... and everyone was asking where i was ... and he kept telling everyone that he didn't give an *F* where i was ... and people kept saying well aren't you getting married ... and he said *F* no! this was all the night he didn't come home ... before i even knew we were broken up.


amazing huh?



My friend was with a guy, they went to a party together and she heard him saying 'Im screwin that girl there' and bragging, and when he dumped her she didnt even KNOW until someone else told her he wanted nothing to do with her.


Men are idiots.


He's obviously not even grown up. Lots of people say 'oh your pretty you'll move on' But i think its not easier just because you look a certain way. I think without being big headed sometimes it makes things even harder to have guys trying it on when you just wanna be you.


You'll be ok Barbie. At least this crappy behaviour shows you his true colours and how glad you should be to be shot of him.


Im in the crappy limbo stage of a relationship.


I wish you the best. Your so much better than hima nd you've handled this perfectly.

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We all see the signs, we just ignore them because at the time I think the pain of being with them is not as bad as the pain as being without but you'll realise its the other way round.


You dont even need to think about loving again. You just need to be you Barbie. and let love enter your life when your ready for it.


At least hes an actual idiot so you have reason to hate him. this whole thing is his fault. You cant blame yourself for anything at all.

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Yeah but its not your fault you loved him and that he mistreated you, it'll never be your fault.


People do silly things when there in love. You made the classic mistake of thinking he'd change. But obviously he just can't.


YOur alone, and better off alone. do what imd oing, going out every night, spending quality time with friends and family. I feel so much better with support.

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it's my fault for putting up with it for so long.


it's my fault for caring and loving too much. it's my fault that i had such an open heart.


i gave UP everything and never asked for anything ... now im alone.


Are those such bad 'faults' to have?


To be caring and a little naive? I don't think so.


Barbie, you are learning something from this. Take it and use it for your next relationship. But please, give yourself time to gain perspective and put it into practice first.

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i am truly blessed with real friends. friends who i had to push away because of him .... they have let me back into their lives with open arms as if i never left. . .


i've been distracting myself with them for days.


it's still rough though.


Of course its rough, it will be, you wouldnt be human if you werent still hurting.


Thank god you have those friends! They sound wonderful!


Times a great healer, so cliche but true


And every experience good or bad makes us stronger, you wont make the same mistake again.


Oneday barbie he'll be kicking himself, he wont find a girl as patient, attractive and caring as you. Its the 'grass is greener' syndrome. its usually greener for a week or two and then they think 'crap'

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I think that if you were to give him the "freedom" that he wants and just be supportive of what he wants to do... you would not have to go through this. It is one thing if he wants to go to the bar with the guys for a "guys night out". A guy/girls night out should only be taking place when that guy/girl is single.


If he wants to better himself physically then you should let him. By you telling him that you wouldn't like it because there will be other females there, you are only making yourself less attractive to him and the likely hood of him going anyways is increased. You need to have the attitude that I have learned to have... Let the person you care about be themselves, let them do what they want to do as long as it does not involve putting the relationship at risk. If they decide to leave you for someone else then it is their loss... not yours. They will always come crawling back to you if you didn't do them wrong. When a girl tries to tell me what I can and can not do then I usually get turned off because she comes off as insecure. I invite the women I date to go with me EVERYWHERE... If there is a party that I want to go to then I invite them... if they do not go with me then I do not go. I will never do anything to a girl that I would not like them doing to me. I will however leave a girl if she tells me that I can not go to the GYM because there might be girls there. That is crazy, I am going to the gym to better myself physically and because it is a hobby of mine. I would never prevent her from going to a yoga class or something of that nature.


The only thing that a couple should not do in a relationship is party/drink without the other because that puts people in a bad situation where they are not at their all mentally.


Give him some breathing room and support his decision to run track... you will see a chage in his honesty once you start to support him. If he is lying to you about other situations though, you might want to find out if he is in fact the one for you.


Hang in there!

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