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Height and dominant vs submissive


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I don't either. But the cold reality is about 90% of the world does.


Not in my experience and not to the extent where it really affects peoples' actions (i.e. we all have those times where we react - knee jerk reaction- with a mental stereotype but then we think about it and realize that we need to treat the person as an individual).

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Fine, whatever. I don't feel like arguing.


I'm not arguing with you at all. Just sharing with you that my experience has been different and that the knee jerk sterotyping that can happen does not have to affect behavior in those who decide to think twice about it, or three times... I am sorry you have had the experience you described. No right or wrong here, no argument.

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i was really just wondering about if there was a link between a guy's height and what women expected them to be like personality-wise.


I don't think so. I never really think about it. Interestingly, my ex-fiance was short and he explained to me that he felt he had to be traditionally masculine so that women would be more attracted to him and so that people would take him more seriously. His hyper-masculinity actually turned me off at first. LOL

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i know a lot of tall guys that are not dominant. they are always asking me about this girl and that girl cause they don't know what to do. they have no nuts it seems. so height has nothing to do with it. i don't think women think that way. but i do know women have told me they like tall guys cause they feel more protected.

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From my personal experience, shorter men tend to be MORE dominant because they feel they have to make up in aggression what they "lack" in physical size. Not true accross the board but in a lot of cases, I see that.


I'm with the others that say: Try not to pigeon-hole genders. Not all women like one type of man, just like all men don't like one type of women. Just be the best person you can be, and you'll find a woman who loves you for it.

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I tend to find taller men more attractive - not sure exactly what it is due to but I do like feeling "protected". Not sure exactly what it is, because I also tend to prefer thinner/leaner frames, so it's not all about the "manly" bulk. Tall and thin is just a preference of mine, and on the flipside, the guy I have been most attracted to in my life (so far) was not very tall at all.


I do not associate height with any sort of personality trait, and find tall guys just physically attractive and not because I expect them to have any other associated characteristics. I do think quite short men often have lower self-confidence and self-esteem, because being tall generally is valued as a physical attribute in a man, perhaps at least as much by men as by women.


More importantly, height is hardly the most important thing I think about when wondering who to date!!!

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I'm a short guy, 5'6. I know most girls go for tall guys because they like the whole dominant factor... What I'm wondering is if girls who go for short guys expect them to be a more submissive type?


I'm 6'5" very mellow guy. I had a hell of a time *EVER* finding a woman to explore my submissive side. I felt trapped in the role of "big strong man who they could melt against his chest." Lots of comments about feeling safe in my arms and so on.


This sucked cause I was pretty darn submissive all through my 20's and until the middle of my 30's. Finally started becoming a lot more naturally dominant after that (and had to go to pro-dom finally).


Took forever to get a bloody spanking. You know- even big guys are working through childhood issues. It took about three of those to satisfy the "checkmark" and then I could move on. But I was stuck on it until I did. A lot of stuff, you just need to do a few times and do not need again.


Any male can be alpha- some of the most hostile, aggressive males I had to deal with when I was growing up were shorter 5' ers. They always went after me with predictable results.


Pick at me for weeks, think I would take it forever, and then finally push things to hard and I would give them four or five hits, they would go down, and that was it. If I had my high school years to do over again, I'd hit them the second or third time they messed with me.

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I'm a short guy, 5'6. I know most girls go for tall guys because they like the whole dominant factor... What I'm wondering is if girls who go for short guys expect them to be a more submissive type?


I can only speak for myself, but as far as I'm concerned, no. I would not expect submissiveness from a guy because he's shorter. I'm tallish, and my experience with shorter guys is that they often will try to compensate in their behaviour, so if anything, I'd be less surprised to see more dominance from a shorter guy.


I find many very tall guys are often more submissive because they've not had to fight for their power. People treat them like they're big and they if anything, have a bit of arrogance, (which can sometimes be a substitute for dominance I guess) but they don't know how to exert their power because it's always been handed to them. And some tall guys just can't handle the responsibility handed to them by a society which expects them to act tall because they are tall.


by the way, I have no authority to theorise on this stuff. I just find it interesting is all.

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