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I wish I could explain it, but I can't. It feels much worse than a lot of the strictly physical pain we feel, because it's almost as if it's a melding of emotional AND physical pain, and the two together are often overwhelming.


I know what you mean about the pain in your heart. I have felt it too -- it's like it's sitting on my chest, like a huge weight pressing down. My stomach and head sometimes hurt, too. Eventually, it lessens, though. And, someday, it will go away almost entirely. It is often a long process. Nearly everything has to get worse before it gets better, but nearly everything DOES get better.


Hang in there.

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I know the feeling, although my ex has not got a new partner.


It feels like your heart is aching, and yearning so much. It feels sore, as if it has been beaten and bruised



Ive had that feeling wake me up almost everyday for awhile now. It's made me physically sick to my stomach a few times.

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