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I HATE my boobs!


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I know this going to sound ridiculous to most of you but...I really hate my boobs. Every time I see a girl with a perfect chest I get depressed. (That rhymed. lol). It wouldn't be such a bad thing if boobs weren't EVERYWHERE. Almost every movie these days has to find a way to add gratuitous t*t shots and its irritating. Perfect breasts are every where and I can't escape them!!


My bf never should have told me that he banged a chick with phenomenal boobs... I'll never be the same.




[End ridiculous rant]



I know it is little consolation but they are mostly fake that you see. They went under the knife for it and i guess there has to be some compensation or they wouldn't go thru that torture.


Not to sound cliche'd but love who you are. If you are female and have nipples men will love 'em.

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What sucks is, when I say there are perfect boobs every where, I mean REAL ones. I don't mean the fake ones. And believe me, I can tell. I'm talking about even the small ones that are symmetrical and have perfect shape. Size is of no consequence to me. Its the quality. Not the quantity! I want perky, symmetrical ( I have one boob bigger than the other syndrome. hee hee. But its mild. I've seen much worse.) ta ta's! And I just don't have that. It's depressing. My breasts are a very good size: 34 C. But that's not the issue. It sucks to be 22 with out kids and have someone tell you your boobs are "droopy."

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Every single woman has asymmetrical boobs. It's not a "syndrome", it's nature. There is nothing as a matter of fact on the body that is symmetrical, that's just not how nature works. You haven't looked hard enough at those "perfect" boobs to see which one is larger than the other. When was the last time you stared for several minutes at some girl's chest, looking back and forth and squinting? I bet not recently. I'd like to hear any girl here say that her boobs are symmetrical. Hands, ladies?


As for not perky, I hear you on that one. But you've got to know that your sexuality isn't the "perk" in your boobs. Yes, that'd be great to have, but you can be as perky as you want and it's not going to make you a better lover. Shoot for being a generous, sassy, adventuresome, unhung-up lover who says "here are my boobs, love 'em bounce!!" and your guy is gonna see his socks fly. Comparing is everyone's affliction, and I've seen boobs that are perky but matched with a flatter butt, or not much of a waist -- so you have things that make you beautiful. Get okay with the idea that everyone has their strong point, just like in everything else in life -- we can't all be "good at everything" and that goes for bodies, too. Those rare ones who have a "perfect 10" end up so obsessed often, that the mental distortion that results from clinging to something that's going to change over time anyway (not to mention the attention that is eggshell deep they get) negates the gift of "perfection."

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Oh, gosh, I'm totally asymmetrical -- boobs, feet, hands -- all of it. I probably even have one EYE bigger than the other, but I'm afraid to look really closely to see!


My right hand is freakishly larger than my right one. Well, maybe not *freakishly*, but it seems so to me -- the rings I wear on my right hand are HUGE on my left -- they fall off!


I wish that some men wouldn't feel compelled to make comments about womens' bodies. I had a guy I dated several years ago constantly commenting on mine -- saying his last girlfriend had *HUGE* breasts, and that mine would be nicer if they were at least a C. Well, apparently the dumba** had no idea about cup sizes, because mine ARE a C. Apparently, his last girfriend was Pam Anderson or something...ick. He also made comments about my haircolor..."you'd look so much better with highlights," and managed to sneak in other comments about my weight, how I dressed, etc. Needless to say, I didn't date him for long, and I never had sex with him. In fact, I can pinpoint the exact moment when I said to myself, "I am NEVER having sex with this guy." The thought of taking off my clothes in front of someone so critical was just repulsive to me.


The funny thing was...he was pretty significantly overweight, quite short, and had really small feet and hands, and a beak-like nose, and I NEVER commented about ANY of that, never compared him to the taller, thinner guys I had dated, etc.


Sometimes, people -- men AND women -- should think before commenting on things like appearance.

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I know this going to sound ridiculous to most of you but...I really hate my boobs. Every time I see a girl with a perfect chest I get depressed. (That rhymed. lol). It wouldn't be such a bad thing if boobs weren't EVERYWHERE. Almost every movie these days has to find a way to add gratuitous t*t shots and its irritating. Perfect breasts are every where and I can't escape them!!


My bf never should have told me that he banged a chick with phenomenal boobs... I'll never be the same.




[End ridiculous rant]


Well, actually, I don't think your qualms are ridiculous. In this world, we have a futile obsession with perfection. Instead of incouraging others, helping them, and ourselves, we've been taught we aren't "good enough", we always need to improve, and our shortcomings always get in the way. Life's not much more than a big, over-glorified talent show (sorry, but I'm very frank), and when I'm the one that's never won and see all these people with amazing looks, talent, intelligence, etc. I do feel insignificant. I can't help but feel that way.


I have a similar problem. Well, not with my boobs, but with my singing voice. Y'see, that's my big aspiration in life, to sing. One of my major problems, however, is that I have no vibrato (look it up) in my voice. It absolutely sucks; no matter how much I relax and use the diaphragm (again, look it up) my tone is straight as lines in plane geometry. It's supposedly comes "naturally", but not for me. Me wanting to be a professional singer/songwriter with no vibrato is like a woman with a flat behind having a crush on Sir Mix-a-Lot. I've heard so many people with amazing voice and vibrato that smoke, drink, and do drugs (I don't do any of the three, at least not anymore) yet not me. I know people are probably gonna tell me "find a new aspiration!" but it really isn't that easy or clear-cut. However, the only way to even get onstage on this giant talent show of life is to not give up.


This problem is inspite of my bacne, an ugly blackhead on my forehead that won't go away, chapped lips, frail frame, small penis, small height, and manic smile; to name a few. I look at all these movie hunks, body builders, with perfect skin, tall, dark, handsome looks, perfect smile, skin without so much as a blemish and think "What's wrong with me? Why don't I look like this? What did I do to make the creator of the universe disfigure me in such a way?" I dream of a day where I can take my shirt off in front of people, but maybe it's just a pipe dream.


I don't know exactly where I'm going with this, but what I'm meaning to say is that you're not alone at all. Most people have quite a few things that they don't like about themselves, and yes, the world is cold and cruel for the most part, but if you think you're insignificant in any kind of way, hop aboard the cruise ship, matey.


Also (yes, I know this is off topic) be glad you even have a boyfriend that's even remotely honest, instead of conniving and sugar-coating like most men are. Hell, I've never even had a girlfriend before, and I'm 20.

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Everyone has something about them that they wish they could change. I wish i had a smaller nose!


But with regards to boobs, with age mine are not so 'gravity defying' anymore. Plus i have stretch marks from losing weight from a lot of jogging. My boyfriend hasnt said anything bad about them but has told me (about 3 times in 5 minutes) that i am not perfect. I know no one is perfect butwhen he saids it 3 times, it makes me feel like s*it. So what did i do? I told him that he isnt pefect either. That he is too skinny (he is the same size as me and im only a size 8 figure). Let him have a taste of his own poison.

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Can i tell you something? I am a petite girl...UK size 6/8 and I have boobs out of proportion to my body...all my mates etc tell me their so jealous etc because i have a small frame they do look big and yeah thats all great and it appears that there perfect but i'll tell u something there a pain!!


They can hurt and also i cannot for the life of me get bras that fit....because i have a thin back my measurement is somewhere between 28/30 and they just do not make bra's in my cup size...i have been measured as a 30E...so its especially hard to get bra's to fit...and the ones that do tend to be horrible and not sexy and attractive...


So as much as i love my boobs i also wanted to give you the other side of the fence as it were x

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Perfect breasts are made of silicone and IMHO they're highly overrated.


And this is going to sound totally ridiculous, but I think you need to spend some quality time with your breasts. Get to know them a little better, lovingly stare at them for a bit (i'm so dead serious). I'm sure you'll discover that they're better than you think they are. I've learned to love mine and they're definitely not like the ones on tv.




i highly disagree-----i like them big, and fake

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Im a 38DD and I have always liked my girls. I liked them more before I had a baby but they are a part of me. Be proud of your body because your stuck with it for the rest of your life.


Your boyfriend is rude to compare you to other women and then tell you. You should spin it on him and see how he would feel if you talked about an exes phenominal penis.

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I have hated by boobs ever since I had them (around 12 or 13). They were smaller initially (about a 34B) - they are around a 34C/D now - but they have never been pert. They were droopy to start with and having gained and lost weight they look worse the more time passes (I'm 29 now). When I look at my boobs in a string bikini I just want to cry


When I was about 14 there were two guys in my class who were repeating the year (so they thought they were sooo much more worldly that us "kids") and they called my breasts "pig * * * * " in front of other people and when I happened to come accross them in the school building. In my native language calling something "pig" is a big big negative thing, meaning something is revolting and ugly. And they would have this half-smirking, half-disgusted look on their faces. I've never gotten over it, despite having had several bfs who had no issue with my boobs whatsoever - but thankfully there were not "boob men". But one look at celebrities etc and it's blatantly obvious I don't measure up...my bfs don't care but I do I want attractive breasts! Nothing a man could say/do or has ever said/done would make me hate my boobs less. I have eyes and I know that when I look at them it ain't a pretty sight. Those two guys were only stating the obvious...I just wish they'd kept it to themselves.


I went to see a breast surgeon when I was 18 to ask about a reduction/lift but my family didn't have the means to help me out so I didn't have the op. I am paying for college at the moment so I can't afford to have cosmetic surgery but once I've had children and breastfed them I am making an appointment and will take out a loan if necessary. I know there are more important things in life, but I want to be able to look at my chest at least once in my life and not feel ugly.


I want what you want empathy - perky, symmetrical boobs. There is a girl in my class who has perfect boobs, B-cup, pert (I've seen her in a top with thin straps on a night out) and perfectly shaped. I want that and will never have it(even surgery can only do so much) and that sucks. Butt and legs a woman can work on to improve the shape and tone - boobs you can't do that with. God knows I've tried.


But yes, OP, just to let you know you're not alone

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no offense but c'mon, "lovingly stare at your breasts for a bit." That just seems a little weird to me. The only time i look at my breasts is when i'm getting dressed to make sure they look good in whatever i'm wearing. and to be brutally honest it really doesn't matter if you like your breasts or not. your breasts aren't really for your enjoyment, they're for your bf's, or to help you attract guys. (in addition to your body, face, personality etc.. of course.)


And that seems very weird to me. That kind of thinking leads to insecurity because it allows the value of your body to be rated by someone else. If you're comfortable with your breasts nothing another man tells you will make you feel bad about them.


Oh and we have breasts so that we can breast feed. NOT to please men, the fact that they happen to like them is just an added bonus.

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what a creepy thread..... yes, also stacking yourself up to celebs is very unhealthy because 80% of their appearance is smoke and mirrors. They are normal people like you and me, they have cellulite, they have wrinkles and dark circles, they have saggy boobs, and if they don't then they paid big money to polish all that away. look at cher! she isnt even real anymore! lol..

no but seriously,

this was years ago but i feel i can relate.

one time i got my eyebrows waxed.. when the woman got done with them i didnt have any eyebrows left, i was pissed off, it was ugly, i DIDNT HAVE EYEBROWS!

So everytime i looked in the mirror i would be in an absolute rage, i hated it. I felt ugly, and there was nothing i could do about it. I stayed mad the whole day, went to bed.

still steaming. then a thought hit me.. i will only see what i want to see.

And i cant change it.

So i jumped up out of bed, flicked on the light and stared at my face... and said:

"thats not so bad"

"i look fine... i look fine!"

and i made myself accept it.

Eventually my eyebrows did grow back, but i learned a very valuable thing that day.

And that was you will only see what you want to see, accept yourself.

So these days i look at my butterball belly and i say the same thing lol.

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Justanotherchick, breasts still are for breast feeding and to view them only as man bait is pointless to me. There are more important things in life than trying to appeal to everyone out there. Some men like breasts, some men don't. If I was to go get implants, I'd turn off the guys who don't like implants. And some guys like "B" cups and others prefer "C". Who has time for that kind of nonsense?


It makes more sense to me, to enjoy my body the way it is. And while you're right, not everyone will accept my body the way it is, there will always be people that do. The men I've been with have raved about my breasts even though all my life I've been told I don't have any.


And I don't think there's anything wrong with implants by the way. Some people have excellent reasons for getting them and I've seen a study showing that they do boost people's confidence levels. BUT it's an expensive and intrusive route to go for confidence when most of the time all you have to do is learn to like yourself.

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