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benefits of being single, benefits of being in a relationship


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Benefits of being single:

-Look at anyone you want without guilt

-Do what you want whenever you want it

-still can imagine that someone who will truly understand you is out there (don't have to deal with reality)

- Allowed to spontaneously do whatever you want whenever you want

- never have to put up with fights, ever

- another presense means that you have to work around them...they're breathing your air, they're sitting in your space, damnit they just opened your ice cream and they're sitting there eating it while watching monster trucks smash each other...oh and sex and the city is on

-define yourself through your job

- don't have to explain your failures to anyone...you're merely a disappointment to yourself and yourself alone

- don't have to feel guilty for going all PMS pissy off on someone

- don't have to apologize for stuff you do wrong

- listen to whatever radio station you want to listen to


Benefits of being in a relationship:


- someone to be there for you when you fail

- someone to hold you when you cry

- consistent sex with someone you love and feel safe with


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Something I found interesting was that in your benefits of being single, a lot of it was "negatives" about being in a relationship and it sounds almost like a lot are laced with resentment (breathing my air, eating my ice cream...), and in your benefits of being in a relationship, they were all related to about how they are there when you are "down" and consistent sex. I don't know, it just seems to me the list is more about the pros of being single over being in an unhealthy relationship...than a comparison to a healthy one.


For me, my list of positives on a relationship are having someone to share the ups and downs of life with, joys of seeing someone going through their own life, and having someone there for yours, to motivate, encourage, support, love one another. To learn more about yourself in the process of learning more about them. As well as the benefits of commitment, intimacy and truly being FRIENDS with your partner. I love going to sleep with him at night, waking up with him in the morning....having someone to share just the daily trials of life with, and working on goals together.


For me, the list on the singles well, I suppose if I don't do the dishes for three days, no one notices but me. Seriously, while there is a lot of independence - I loved being single and living on my own, I can't say I ever feel my freedom is restricted being with my partner either; we both are very independent people. And, I like watching Monster Trucks (and Supercross, and Football......)...lol. I adore living with him...and it's OUR ice cream

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relationship = you have a disease free harbor in which to park your genitals


Even people in relationships are prone to cheat more than those who are not in a relationship. So don't rely on the fact that you are in a relationship, you are immune from any infectious disease.

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I agree with RK both on the benefits and on the tone of the OP. The "never having to compromise" is both a benefit and a disadvantage because I grow through learning more about compromising and my limits/boundaries.


And- on one point - I don't feel guilty if I notice someone else. I wouldn't check anyone out in front of my bf not because of guilt but because it is rude (even if I was tempted to, which I am not).

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I don't think being single have more "loose" benefits than if you're in a relationship. If you and your partner have great communication and are understanding and respectful of one another then you can still have all the benefits that any single person enjoys (excluding dating around of course).

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Something I found interesting was that in your benefits of being single, a lot of it was "negatives" about being in a relationship and it sounds almost like a lot are laced with resentment (breathing my air, eating my ice cream...), and in your benefits of being in a relationship, they were all related to about how they are there when you are "down" and consistent sex. I don't know, it just seems to me the list is more about the pros of being single over being in an unhealthy relationship...than a comparison to a healthy one.


THANK YOU, this is exactly how I feel about these posts.

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Benefits of being single: none. Who wants to look at other people anyway?


Benefits of being in a relationship: too many to mention:


Have someone to share your joys and triumphs with

Have someone to bounce ideas off

Helps with living expenses

Extra support when you need it (and vice versa)

Sex, affection

Fills in time (as opposed to spending days at a time on your own, when it's 25 degrees outside, nice and everyone's having a good time)



I sound pathetic.


Actually, the only benefit i can think of with being single is that i get to plan my businesses to my hearts content. And then i will become really wealthy and everybody will want to be with me, in which case it'll be too late because i'll be so happy with my accomplishments, that i won't care anymore.

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I was just trying to be funny. At the moment I couldn't think of more benefits, honestly.

About relationships...there is a lot of risk involved...yeah, pretty much everything on both sides does not stand depending on the circumstances, the person, the situation as necessarily strictly a relationship benefit or single benefit.

My view of relationships has largely been negative b/c I don't see too many people who are happy and in a relationship.

Not many people are as happy as you are in yours...I know I haven't had the ability to find someone wonderful in my past but sure, what you have sounds really nice & ideal.

Having independence, yes, can be on both sides. But so can having all the benefits you mentioned for being in a relationship.

Its all subjective or relative.

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I agree with RK both on the benefits and on the tone of the OP. The "never having to compromise" is both a benefit and a disadvantage because I grow through learning more about compromising and my limits/boundaries.


And- on one point - I don't feel guilty if I notice someone else. I wouldn't check anyone out in front of my bf not because of guilt but because it is rude (even if I was tempted to, which I am not).


When in a relationship where I'm happy, I don't feel guilty. I also don't notice others.

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what i love about being single is that i can take off and travel or take a job in a different country or eat all the ice cream, and no one will hound me about it. i was talking with a girlfriend of mine last week, she was telling me that her husband has never left the country, and has no interest whatsoever in international travel, said he will not leave the country. i think of being married to a man like that and just want to barf. that would be hell for me. us girlfriends said to her, 'well, then we'll have to take a girls-only vacation to italy' or wherever.


on the other hand, if i met a man who was up to travel and didn't mind if i ate all the ice cream, then i think he would be a good match for me.

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I guess one of the benefits of being single is that I answer to no one but myself.


One of the biggest down falls for me is that it's very lonely sometimes.


I guess it's different for everyone.


Probably depends on if you were ever married?


The thing I miss the most is having someone there when I fall asleep at night, and someone there when I wake up in the morning. I've never gotten used to that.

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