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Define Long Distance


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I would not define an hour long distance (unless it was by plane). For me long distance is more when you need to spend the better part of a day driving (5+ hours), or need to fly. Less than that it could be more like "inconvenient".


But it is all relative really to your area, transportation modes. For many people, an hour is just a trip accross the city (it takes me that much time to drive to uni everyday for example as it is not exactly next door!).

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if you both have cars, then you can meet halfway.


if you think about a relationship in a major city - some places like los angeles or san francisco have such major traffic that it can take 1 hour to travel 10 miles, but you would never consider that a long distance relationship.

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really, wouldn't it be less about the distance and more about the convenience? If they both work jobs that keep them from seeing each other more than 1 time every two weeks, is that not a long distance relationship? I can see it as being such.


i agree. as an extreme example, i know a married couple who live on 2 different continents - she lives in europe, he lives in the us. however, they have the financial and time resources to see each other every week. if you can afford to fly to europe every week, then the distance is not a big deal.


and the distance from say, san francisco to berkeley is considered miniscule, but given the traffic, it can take well over an hour and a half to get from one city to the other, depending on the time of day and if you are driving or taking the public transportation, which can actually be faster.

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really, wouldn't it be less about the distance and more about the convenience? If they both work jobs that keep them from seeing each other more than 1 time every two weeks, is that not a long distance relationship? I can see it as being such.


My last girlfriend lived less than 3 miles from me. We saw each other maybe 2 times a week. Our schedules were really out of sync. She was retail and I was off on weekends. I could not agree with you more!

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I think a long distance relationship is what I need since I don't want to see a girl more than once every 2 weeks. So I can probably handle a LDR that requires me to drive 60-90 minutes or 50-60 miles every 2 weeks.


It does not matter how serious the relationship is or how long we've been going steady. I don't want to see her more than once every 2 weeks.

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One hour isnt long distance to me... Ive gone from a six hour drive to a four... If we are lucky next year we will both be at universities only an hour apart. When you can drive there and home in one night and make it to class in the morning... thats not LDR anymore, thats heaven

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really, wouldn't it be less about the distance and more about the convenience? If they both work jobs that keep them from seeing each other more than 1 time every two weeks, is that not a long distance relationship? I can see it as being such.



Never have truer words rang! Sometimes it isn't JUST about the physical distance. I enjoy how when this question is asked it becomes a "pissing match" of sorts to see who has the "longer" distances.


I don't know, if you have to make a "long distance" call to call them, in my books it is LDR. There are just varying degrees of distance.

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