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Anal Sex--anyone tried it?


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I have done it around 10 times with my ex, and once with my current bf.


Ehhh It's OK. Sometimes it REALLY hurts, and others it kind of feels good. Not great. could easily live without ever doing it again.


The key is going really slow and using lube.


My ex loved it, I pretty much just did it to please him.

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I've tried it with my boyfriend a few times. He was just curious about it and I'm not sure how I felt. At first I was really anti it, no way whatsoever, but then it got to a point where I was just like, just do it if you want to try it. It took a few tries, a few times it hurt a lot, but the couple of times it properly worked it didn't. It was all in his favour though, I didn't really feel anything apart from there being some movement, and that (sorry if it's TMI) I reallllly needed a poo. He's gotten over it now, so don't think we'll be headed back down that route for a long time. (Famous last words)


So basically...it can hurt, I'd even go so far as to say that it will hurt the first time you try and stick anything there, because you'll be tense because of nerves etc. Like others have said, build up to it, and make sure you are UBER relaxed and trust the person you're with. Like I said, for me it wasn't mind-blowing, but it varies from girl to girl.


On the topic of "drippings" don't even go there. I remember hearing from a few girls about it acting as a kind of enema (which makes sense I suppose) so I refused to let my boyfriend get too into it, and then of course there was the obligatory washing...it can be a mood killer, but I don't care

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On the topic of "drippings" don't even go there. I remember hearing from a few girls about it acting as a kind of enema (which makes sense I suppose) so I refused to let my boyfriend get too into it, and then of course there was the obligatory washing...it can be a mood killer, but I don't care


We don't have to go into it - you already did. LOL

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Some people probably do have slight pain when they first try it... It can hurt when first going in. I find it hurts less if you put it in slow and use lots of lube. Hmm, not sure if you need to do it everyday for it to go in easily, me and my boyfriend have anal sex three times a month or more, and it still hurts when he first puts it in...Once relaxed though it can be quite enjoyable at times. Its ok though for something different

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First off - it only causes problems later (with incontinence) if you are forcible in it (in that you don't take the time and cause damage to the sphincter muscle that is permanent...if you take your time and don't "force it" when you are not relaxed you will NOT cause damage as you are letting the muscle relax on its own).


It is painful if you DON'T take the time to let that muscle relax.


It can be extremely enjoyable and intimate if you relax, listen to one another and trust one another. I have amazing orgasms through it. It's not an everyday thing for me, but once in a while I enjoy it. Sometimes it can hurt the few times at least if you are not ready, and don't relax (which can mean also just holding in place, and waiting for the muscle to relax).


And you NEED lots of lube or else you are going to cause a whole lot of tearing. Always wear a condom as it is both easier to transmit STI's via anal sex and it is much easier for him to get a UTI - and never go directly from anal to vaginal or the chances are high you will get a UTI as well.


And it's not like in the "movies" - many of the women in there have broken the general rules of anal sex...ie don't force it or you will cause damage.

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What anal sex feels like to some is what vaginal sex feels like to me. It just feels like something is in there ya know..


but nah, I don't care what anyone says, I am not trying anal knowing that there is a chance I could cause tearing and become incontinent. As much as you love and trust your partner they are human too and can make mistakes...I'll give it a pass.


Porn makes it seem like it's the greatest thing since sliced bread though

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i love it, as long as you are slow in the first part.. if you go too fast it feels like someone took a cattle prod to your butt... hurts like hell.

But after the initial fitting its amazing. i orgasm through anal alot. Good times Good times

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