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Lonely.. Everybody has someone but me....


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I'm very irritated because I can't find anybody in my life. It's just loneliness and here I am spending another boring Friday night by myself in my lonesome.All of my friends seem to be dating and everyone has someone. Everyone is so wrapped up in their relationships and it's embarrassing when they ask me why I haven't found anybody yet. Not saying that I need a man, I'm fine by myself.. but I would just like to find that special someone that can make me smile or light up my day. Someone I can talk to on the phone day and night. Everyday I see couples everywhere I go and it makes me feel bad. I just would really like to have a special companion that doesn't make me feel so lonely.


At the same time I'm giving up, I guess I will have to realize that I may be alone for the rest of my life. Guys never seem to be interested in me as a person. It's always that they want me for my body. That irritates me, guys always see me as someone they can f*ck but not relationship material and that hurts. I've never had sex with these guys but it gets irritating because that's all I ever hear from them. Let's start a fwb or bootycall and that's not what I'm about.


I've tried online dating but I've only met a lot of liars,crazies, and people looking for sex.These men bore me because they can't carry decent conversations. It's all about wam bam thank you mam.I would like to meet a nice handsome man who's intelligent and who would like to get to know me and I'll get to know them, that's all I ever want It really hit me today when I was the third wheel when I went out with my friend and her boyfriend. They were constantly hugging,kissing and laughing and there I was watching like a loser. I almost wanted to cry because I felt so jealous and sad at the same time. I don't know what I was thinking about going out with them. Why is it so hard to find decent guys these days.. or decent people rather.

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I know exactly how you feel and I have no reply for you. lol...I just posted something exactly like this a few minutes ago....how I can't find anyone and everything just fades away with people I do date....


I am a guy and I feel the exact same way. I wonder if there are alot of people who feel this way. And I hope your wrong when you say you will be alone for the rest of your life, I refuse to believe that anyone can have someone but I am destined to not find someone....BS.

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Not everyone has someone. I don't. I'm sitting alone at at my place on a Friday night as well.


Not all guys are like that, I would LOVE to have a real relationship with a women, getting to know her and such. I'm just terrible at getting dates, socialising etc.


We all have our problems I suppose.

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Do you dress in a way that sends a message out that would make the men think that way?


And if you want to find your dream man, it seems you don't like them "crazy" boys so look for quiet guys and get to know them. They're mostly the most mature, and intellegent type. And sounds like you're very attractive, so I already know there's someone there that has a crush on you but is too shy to approach/talk to you. SO basically keep your eye out.


I got a question for you, is there anyone you have a crush on?

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Do you dress in a way that sends a message out that would make the men think that way?


And if you want to find your dream man, it seems you don't like them "crazy" boys so look for quiet guys and get to know them. They're mostly the most mature, and intellegent type. And sounds like you're very attractive, so I already know there's someone there that has a crush on you but is too shy to approach/talk to you. SO basically keep your eye out.


I got a question for you, is there anyone you have a crush on?


I was about to say that lol


Yeah along with that maybe your overlooking the guys that would care for you. For example, maybe your interested in a guy who has a good first impression personality but then you findout hes actually a jerk when mr.right, who actually might just be a little shy (or not able to hold a conversation at this point) is watching from the sidelines. I mean I dont know if this realtes to you or not.


oh and sorry for multiple deleted post, computer just screwed up.

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I'm coming from a different perspective here, but I just thought I'd share.


I'm alone a lot, and don't have a problem with it. I'm just not sucked in by the supposedly "normal" gateway to happiness (i.e. being in a couple). It's common, I'll give you that, but I don't see what value it has in and of its own sake.


I think you sound like you are wanting a relationship for the wrong reasons. wanting to be with SOMEONE. It sounds like you're wanting to bandage up the discomfort of being different from the masses of couples you see, and fill a void in your soul.


And here's some more advice. Girls often don't put their personalities out there. Good looking girls especially often get in bad habits of hiding behind their looks. If guys are treating you like you're just there for sex, maybe you're hiding your personality too much and so they're focussing on your body more. One thing I've learned (as a reserved person who also used to wish people would take the time to get to know me), is that as uncomfortable as it might be at first, it's a lot more efficient to make yourself known without being asked. Don't wait for someone to coax it out of you. There are a million interesting people, all hiding inside their shells waiting to be coaxed out, meanwhile, the people who put it all out in the open are gaining the most interest from others, because most of us are too shy/lazy to coax each other's personalities out of their shells.


Ditch the world that tells you you need to be with someone.

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I understand. I was home alone last night too, one year to the day my last boyfriend and I broke up. I've been on so many 1st and 2nd dates this year that never panned out, everyone "likes" me and wants to be friends afterwards but I've yet to find a spark with any of them.


I don't define my worth as being in a relationship, I do value my alone time and would rather be single than with someone just to say I am with someone. I work hard on being the best person I can be and am happy with myself, my friends and family and life in general. But I can get down in the dumps about why no one seems to want me, which leads me to question myself. And this time of year is hard. I'm not looking forward to another season of Christmas parties and New Year events without anyone to share them with. It's a cheesy but romantic time of the year.


Add my unrequited crush to a guy at work who I just can't seem to get past, and it really sucks sometimes.

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