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How do I stop being used and just played games with?


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Yeah you are right. I just hate when people give signs as if they were interested then they really aren't. It's annoying.


Oh I actually know what you mean.. damn. wat's worse is when they SAY it and then change fully.


Ah well what to do really. It's human nature and I guess we're all free to change our minds. All you can do is not put too much hopes into it before anything starts.

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Yeah, sometimes it's the weirdest thing.


I told one girl only that she was cute, then she stared at me every day but never seemed to wanna talk.


Then I looked at another girl a couple of times just trying to flirt, and she kept looking at me over and over like I never seen before. I know it sounds like a lie, but everyone in the room could tell, she looked back at me like 30 times, and had everyone else looking at me to, like, * * * is she looking at?


I get this stuff all the time and it just somewhat bugs me. It makes me feel insecure somewhat. I mean, I can't stand people just looking at me constantly and staring, it makes me feel weird, like something is wrong with me or something, I just hate it.

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God RP I feel the same way. I feel like girls just use me as a "pick me up" for when a better guy comes along. It's sickening. They flirt and flirt and flirt and just when I decide to make my move, they drop me.


Finally someone who knows exactly what I mean.


I must not be very likable if the girls are just trying to decide if they like me cause they always seem to be against it when I make a move, LoL.


Maybe my mother is right. Maybe her and I are super-hot because everyone always stares at us, our car, etc. LoL. Our whole neighborhood/project stares at us when we walk outside or something.


I know the above sounds silly but who knows, maybe we are super-hot, it would make sense why we get stared at so darn much, LoL.


I'm just going to go with that I'm super-hot and girls look at me like Brad Pitt, because it's the only possible explanation as to why look but then ignore. LoL. Who cares if anyone finds this reason silly.

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God RP I feel the same way. I feel like girls just use me as a "pick me up" for when a better guy comes along. It's sickening. They flirt and flirt and flirt and just when I decide to make my move, they drop me.


I don't see what's wrong with flirting - and "drop you" how can someone drop you unless you're dating them - or unless you mean "drop you as a friend." Fllirting is just --- flirting - it's not a promise to date, it's not dating. since it seems you get so intense/attached from flirting, why not ask the woman out very early on - after your first interaction or conversation and that way you will know where you stand - if she says no you can avoid speaking with her other than when you must, to be polite.

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God RP I feel the same way. I feel like girls just use me as a "pick me up" for when a better guy comes along. It's sickening. They flirt and flirt and flirt and just when I decide to make my move, they drop me.


Then it's simple. Your approach needs work. That's all.


They like you until you talk to them, right? Or until you ask them out.


Chances are, you're waiting too long to ask them out and getting friendzoned by not making your romantic advances CLEAR and DIRECT. Or you're screwing up by making a weak or timid approach (or the opposite, by being too pushy and not fun or flirtatious enough). I know because I've done this many times myself.


Every time I had a hot girl like me (pretty well), I screwed it up by waiting too long to ask her out and by the time I did, she lost interest in me... or by being nervous/timid when I did ask her out. My approach sucked.


So I'm confident with you, Tony, it's not your looks, but this that needs work.

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Yeah, you are all right again.


Now I just need to actually find a girl I am really attracted to, not just looks wise, but personality wise.


I don't know why, but so many young girls, I don't like most of them, personality wise.


In my college, they always seem either depressed personalities or angry. LoL.


Very little seem to actually have happy personalities. The ones that I do find that are happy, act like idiots, always laughing and giggling at the smallest things. LoL.


But yes, when I find a girl that I truly am attracted to, I must ask her out or make a move.


I'm just happy, I can at least talk to girls now, before I couldn't even say a single word to a girl.


I think it's hard for me to talk to most girls, because so many I am just not interested in, because of what I said above. So it's like, if I am not truly attracted to them, why should I talk to them, and go with someone that I do not even like.

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on one side you get the experience you need in talking to girls. like them or not. and on the other side you shouldn't try with every girl you see. you don't have to hit on a girl just cause she is a girl. if she isn't attractive, don't do it. it is that simple.


That makes complete sense. I got way more talking then then when I was in High School, which I couldn't talk to a girl talking to me or even when she is waiting for me to talk to her.

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Well there is this cute librarian at my one campus and I'm going to talk to her on Monday and just be like hey.


I figured, I would ask her how students get to work in the library, because I've seen her and students working in the library as librarians and/or behind the desk.


So far, it looks good. We've smiled at each other a couple times and she is extremely nice, because I know when my friend asked her a question in the library. She's so cute and fine and actually nice for once LoL.


How should I push in an invite somewhere? I don't wanna just be like, "Hey you're cute, let's go to my place." LoL.

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God RP I feel the same way. I feel like girls just use me as a "pick me up" for when a better guy comes along. It's sickening. They flirt and flirt and flirt and just when I decide to make my move, they drop me.


I think in cases like these you spend way too much time flirting with the girl, plotting out your next moves and too little actually asking her out already.

I say ask her out soon, that way you get your yes/no if she is interested, and everyone saves their time and energy. Not saying to ask her out on the same day you meet her, but don't spend too much time talking/chatting/texting/calling/thinking about her and just being her friend.

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