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How do I stop being used and just played games with?


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In the bold, Sounds like more than a minute. Sounds like at least a year or two. Things change in that time. She was with a friend in HS. Certain girls can become totally different people when their friends around. Especially in HS. Its all about reputation there.


Did you talk to her in the store, when she was giving off those smiles? If you didnt talk to her in the store, fine, but you should have at least spoke up when you two were in line...

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I know I should have talked to her in the store, and I am annoyed at myself for not talking to her, but, it was like a weird confusion or something. Part of me was like, go you playa, and the other part was like, is this some kind of trap or trick?


I know it sounds crazy, but it literally felt like that. I know it was a stupid decision, but I was like, woah and damn it.


Hopefully next time, I will make a way better decision.


EDIT: Well, I kinda corrected myself.


I ran in to her on MySpace and figured, heck, she went to my High School, so might as well message her and just be like, hey what's up? How's it been going since High School?


I figured, this way, I take my fear head on, of talking to someone who was kinda rude to me in High School, which I never did before, due to nervousness. Also, I figured, it would also, be nice to finally talk to a girl, after she seemed to be flirting. Also, I figured, I would take the chance to message her, so that I don't have to wonder for ever, why she acted in such a way and I can put my mind to rest.


Too bad, I found out she's taken and 4 months pregnant, but hell, at least I can talk to her, and perhaps make a new friend.


I'm surprised, she put that she's a girl who says things not worrying about other's feelings, which I kinda figured, but I guess she must have soft spots, which I guess would explain why she seemed to be nice to me. I just find it corky to be rude then nice to someone, LoL.

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Well mainly, I just don't get is this. Should I trust those who picked on me to hell and back and now are friendly to me?


It's like, I'm relieved now, but it feels like I can't trust them still.


What do you all think?


why do you keep asking this? stop with those girls. nice now or not.

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ghost69, I was talking about another girl and girls in High School, not college.


But I still think it's a good idea to forget them also. Since, they were mean to me before and not worth it perhaps.


i'd still forget those girls. maybe when you are like 25 and you run into a girl from hs and she apologizes for the way she treated you.


I'm not paying a traffic cone 200 dollars an hour.



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ghost69, either my town sucks, I just keep running in to immature people.


I keep running in to girls who are rude to me or give me some kind of problems.


Hopefully I will meet some much nicer and mature girls instead of constantly running in to idiots.


My father once told me that if i was going to wait around for a smart one I was going to waiting a long time.


Girls and boys think differently they probably see you as immature too.

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Yeah, I guess.


I just want to meet a girl who has her head on straight.


Not one who treats me like or acts like I'm a nobody or my feelings don't matter.


I only ever met one real girl like that and she was already taken.


Why are they so rare to find?


Is it just that I will not really find them at my age of 19 and in my age group?


I mean, I just don't get it. Why can't I meet a girl who treats me with respect, doesn't just act like I'm some guy she can poke fun with, and actually want to give me a try without turning me down in an instant?


Are the good guys just not what the young girls want or something?


I can't really help but think that. All the "good" guys I know, are all single.


Yet, all the jerks and idiots are going through women as quickly as they change their underwear.


Why do guys like me, never seem to find a good girl and only ever seem to find these "bad" girls?


Also, what's with college girls?


I always heard they are more mature and friendly. Not many of them that I've met so far are. They act somewhat friendly, but you can tell they are really not wanting to talk to me.


How can I, a nice guy but not insansely nice, just get women who appear to either not want to talk to me, don't talk to me at all, ignore me, or just act stupid to me?


Am I literally just going for the wrong girls or something? I'm seriously, I'm sick and tired of girls just turning me down before I even have a chance and acting like I'm not even worth giving a try.


I got my confidence up, it's way easier for me to talk to women, and I did way more changes, yet, I keep running in to idiots and girls I find out I'm not attracted to in the end.


What ever happened to finding a girl you're attracted to and she gives you a chance, not turning you down in a few seconds? Are all the ones between 19-25 dead? Or is it maybe because I'm in a community college, that many act incredibly stupid? Also, why are the only ones that I'm really attracted to, always the ones, I know for a fact are taken?


Sorry for all of my complaining, but life doesn't seem like it's that great. It's like everything that can be against me is. I try for some girls, they turn me down before I get a chance. I'm attracted to others, they are taken. I try some more, I get no where. Why does everyone wonder why I have no practice trying to date women? I try and try, but I get shot down before I ever try. But why is this? I'm not ugly, I don't look gay, I'm friendly, I'm intelligent, I'm not a jerk, and have many other good parts. You mean no young girl wants that kind of guy? What do they want, Al Capone or the guy from the movie Scarface with "Say Hello To My Little Friend".


Also, many of these young girls I seen that I'm attracted to but are taken, seem to have jerks or guys they are not that great in my opinion, but are attractive. Again, are the nice guys just not worth it to them?

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Please, Red, you have to stop obsessing so extensively. PLEASE! You'll drive yourself crazy. There really are no rules to romance. If you are trying to establish or discover some, you'll end up even more frustrated and confused.


Dating, lust, love, romance ... have no iron-clad rules (except for infidelity, obviously). Feelings happen, whether good or bad, and we don't have control over them. It's life.

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Yeah I know.


I just was going through a temorary depression, sadness, and anger.


I guess I just have to wait until I do find a nice girl, because obviously I am not finding it yet.


I just wasn't liking not finding someone who appreciates me.


And feel as if I'm not that great, since I can't find any woman, while all these other men have women constantly around them. Even the jerks have all kinds of women around them.


So it's like, why do I have no real women around me, even just ones as friends.


I just get a feeling of lonelyness and being alone. That's all.


I think since High School, when they told me, I would never get a girlfriend, sometimes it feels like they put a curse on me or something. Not that I'm superstecious or anything.


I guess it's stupid to worry about not having a girlfriend or not finding a girl, but it just sucks sometimes. It's like I want a partner, someone I can truly share things with. Like go places together and actually have fun together. Not just mainly go and sit in my bedroom all day or something.


It's like I want someone to lean on and someone to lean on me. So I can feel I have help and that I'm also helping someone else in the process.


I'm such a good guy, which is why I get down a lot, it's like, how can a guy like me, not be liked and treated well. It feels like the whole world is opposite at times. They treat the nice like s*** and the jerks like Gods.


Also, what's wrong with many young people? I swear, older people treat me like a dream, while young just seem to use me or treat me like s***. Is it just the way many young people act or something? Is it selfishness? Is it just young people having fun? Is it immaturity? Is it stupidness? Is it all? Is it nothing? Is it something else?

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I understand that frustration of loneliness, during a dry spell. It happens. And it sucks. But hang in there, please try to calm down and be patient, and don't allow these recent setbacks to affect your self-esteem. It's not about you. It's about finding the right person FOR you. Sometimes, that takes time, even though it sucks.

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I understand that frustration of loneliness, during a dry spell. It happens. And it sucks. But hang in there, please try to calm down and be patient, and don't allow these recent setbacks to affect your self-esteem. It's not about you. It's about finding the right person FOR you. Sometimes, that takes time, even though it sucks.


I just wish I didn't get "abused" by people all the darn time. That's what really sucks.


I don't know why so many people abuse other people, but oh well.

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I just wish I didn't get "abused" by people all the darn time. That's what really sucks.


I don't know why so many people abuse other people, but oh well.


You are at the age where most of your peer group are still going to be pretty juvenile. You will find that the immature group who gives you a hard time will get smaller and smaller as you get older.


It sux being your age sometimes. It does get easier as you get older.

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You are at the age where most of your peer group are still going to be pretty juvenile. You will find that the immature group who gives you a hard time will get smaller and smaller as you get older.


It sux being your age sometimes. It does get easier as you get older.


Yeah, I went to college thinking, oh people are going to act better now. Then I find out, you still have idiots and jerks. LoL.


I actually thought, I was going to meet mostly nice and sincere people, yet I actually have met many that are not like that.


But now I see it's just a thing with my age group.


I was actually hoping to meet many nice girls, talk to them, and make many friends and possibly find a girl I'm attracted to and she's attracted to me.


Yet, I just ran in to many that I look at like, ummm, I defiantly would not want to go out with her nor would I want to be friends with her. Same with many of the guys, it's like, boy, I don't want to be friends with any of these guys, they act so darn stupid.


Sad but true, I've only met maybe 5-10 girls my age so far, that have their head on completely straight, but was already taken.


How can I have only met 10 out of like at least dozens or hundreds of girls, my age? LoL.


I'm not kidding, at least 2 out of 3 girls I meet on a daily basis, I'm not attracted to, because either they act silly/stupid or they treat me rude. Not really good odds in my opinion.


Who knows, maybe I am too choosy, but I just don't want a girl who will act stupid/immature or not really appreciate me and act like I'm just some guy she can have fun with and that's it.

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Yeah you are right.


I am talking to this one girl from my class.


We talked on MySpace first.


Then she smiled at me every time we seen each other. (She's taken though)


And now we talk to each other about different stuff both online and offline.


We tell each other hello and by.


So I'm glad to have finally met one really nice pretty girl.


I'm not going to lie and I know she's taken, but I don't know if I'm really attracted to her or not, but I think she's darn cute and built nice. I don't mean to sound dirty or anything, I just feel she is physically attractive as well.


Also some other girl saw that I was good with computers in class and asked if I could come over to her house and help her with her computer. She's cute but not my type, but I can tell she needs help and isn't trying to just use me like others do.


So I guess I'm starting to get friendly with girls now. It may not be 50, but 2 so far isn't bad to me.

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That's true, I never really thought of that.


Maybe that will happen, who knows.


I just would love to find a really attractive (to me anyway) girl, who appreciates me. . Is that too much to ask for? LoL.


Maybe one day I will be able to stand-up for my self also, which is what I have a problem with doing.

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