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How do I stop being used and just played games with?


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Thank you again everyone for all of your help.


I feel so much better now.


I feel like I can talk to a woman much easier now.


I feel that once I actually find a girl I'm truly attracted to, not forcing myself to be attracted to, all will go well, whether I get a yes or a no.


I think I really needed ghost69 LoL. If it wasn't for him, I would be going for the stupid girls probably, LoL.


I swear, all I gotta do is say a little bit about the girl, and he can pretty much tell exactly what the girl is like. LoL.


I don't want to go for any girls that giggle and laugh all the time. Those girls always seem to be the ones that I end up not wanting. I don't mean girls who are happen and just giggle, I mean ones that do it constantly and laugh at almost anything, whether it's really funny or not. Every single girl that I went for like that, ended up in some stupid and silly situation.


I think right now, I don't really need a girlfriend or a girl for a relationship, I just mainly need friends, especially girls, because I get sick and tired of really only talking to guys mainly only. I like to talk to girls and make them laugh.


I have fun making girls laugh and giggle, it feels like a reward to me. Maybe that sounds silly, but it's true. I seem to mainly get girls laughing then guys. I guess I do actually feel more comfortable and act myself around girls because it feels like they don't judge me as much as guys, but I guess it's somewhat the opposite, LoL.


Just one last thing. I just wish girls would stop staring and looking at me constantly, often in a creepy way, LoL. I swear, I don't mind if a girl keeps looking at me, but I swear it feels creepy if she never at least smiles or something. It's like, * * * are you planning on how to kill me or something? LoL. What's the point of looking/staring at someone and not at least smiling or something, especially if they smile or something? I swear, it's just creepy. I don't look weird or anything, but maybe I'm so darn hot that women can't help but look at me, LoL. Just kidding about that last one.

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You finally understand that you cant force yourself into just anyone. Don't rush it, I know I wasnt hunting for a girlfriend, but within 2 weeks, I have a possible date on my hands.


And for what you have in bold, just ignore them. Just curious though, have you followed through with any of ghost's clothing suggestions yet. If they were looking at you for any reason, ill bet it has something to do with that. But maybe im wrong...

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Well, I didn't get new clothes, but I do try to dress up now and then.


But the odd part is, only some girls just look and look, other girls could care less.


So are some girls just oddballs? LoL.


I don't see why they need to look and never at least smile or something, it just creeps me out like I said.


Why would they look so much anyway? My clothes are not like a bum or something, LoL. I do feel I dress apporiate. My underwear is not showing or something with my pants falling down, like many young wear it now of days. Also, I do not have my hat to the side. LoL.


Maybe, they imagine I look different then I really do. LoL.

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What is that?


Please don't tell me, to dress with my pants falling down and put my hat to the side. LoL.


I feel I dress with the age, many of the people around me look very similar.


I don't dress dorky in my opinion.


that's not modern. that's a wannabe rap video look. everybody is a rapper these days. they all watch waaay too much mtv.

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that's not modern. that's a wannabe rap video look. everybody is a rapper these days. they all watch waaay too much mtv.


Yeah, the rapper look is a definite turn-off for me. I like eclectic style, but I also fall for a Gap or Abercrombie guy every once in awhile. Heck, can't help it. I used to work at Abercrombie, and we all had "relationships" with each other, so it makes me feel nostalgic.

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the sweater reminds me of bill cosby..

maybe you should wear more jeans and tees..


Well that sweater I never wear anymore, don't even think I have it anymore. I look more like my 3rd pic usually. Except not plaid really.


I mainly wear shirts with no design.


Can clothes really make that big of a difference that a girl/girls can turn you down the second they see you?


I mean, maybe I should just wear dress clothes or suits all the time. LoL. Just kidding here.

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Well that sweater I never wear anymore, don't even think I have it anymore. I look more like my 3rd pic usually.


i like the second pic.. to descibe a nice modern/simple style.

and (even though you where kidding) wearing too dressy clothes in a casual setting isn't a winner either. clothes do make a diffrence.

its a way of expressing yourself (subtly). people who dress too old fashioned IMO aren't in tune with whats going on around them. of course it could be a totally wrong assumption but it's the vibe i get. and people who dont put (at least some) effort in to their looks and try and look good, shows me they dont care enough.

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I see what you mean.


Well I feel if girls don't like me for who I am, who gives a s***.


I don't feel I have to worry about them.


I like myself for who I am.


Who cares if they don't like me for who I am.


I got a couple of cute girls now who feel I'm either cute, adorable, or funny, or all three.


So I'm not in hot water much anymore.


So screw girls who could care less about me.

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I really do not think these things can stop, taking advantage of, it is only when you put a stop to it, it might go away.


You mean to the original post?


Anyway, it seems like, some love me while some hate me, LoL.


Some girls look at me like ewwww while others find me very funny, very cute, and other verys.


So who gives a sh** if other girls find me very ewww and/or very nasty?

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Yeah you are all right.


I just hope one day I actually meet a girl who treats me right and even if she turns me down, she didn't act like an idiot the whole time, like all the girls I keep running in to.


If you don't believe me, you can ask ghost69.


I keep running in to girl like those two girls that I told him and you about.


Maybe if I can manage to avoid those types of girls and guys, my life could be better. LoL.


I just want to stop running in to the "bad" (bad for me) girls. It's like I have a special ability to find all of the girls that treat me as if I am a nobody.


I just want it to stop and hopefully it does, because I'm just sick of it. I want the ability to find nice respectable girls.

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This is a question, I have no yet solved.


So often I'm told that if a girl stares or looks at you a lot, she find you cute or has an interest in you. I'm told this over and over.


So here is my question. If this so often means that, then why do women who do this to me, always seem to ignore me when I communicate with them?


Are they playing some mean and cruel joke or something?


Why if they supposedly find me cute or have an interest, do they then just ignore me as if I was a nobody?


To me, it sounds like something is wrong in Denmark.

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I did a couple of times, but then the girls still turns me down, LoL.


So it's confusing why they stared in the first place.


Even in High School, I've had girls who defiantly didn't like me, still stare at me.


So if it's attraction, why would girls who defiantly don't like you, still stare? That's stupid in my opinion.

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