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GF says she loves me and wants me to say it back


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I don't do the dishes or clean the apartment, she does. She gave up on badgering me about the silverware and cleaning the apartment a while ago. If anything, she is an "enabler". She said her exhusband sat around for years while she worked, cleaned the house, etc.


I can see why. Give us guys a chance, and we hit the sofa the first opportunity we get.


And her legs...yeah they get up pretty darn high.


Well then what ya btching about? LOL she is doing the cleaning. LOL and limber to boot.

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I firmly believe that saying "I love you" should only be said when it's from the heart. She shouldn't *force* it out of you.


Next time she says I love you and you feel uncomfortable saying it back, tell her, "Look. At least I'm not a smooth talker. I won't just say what you want to hear.. You know that I love you through my actions, not words."


I would really dislike it when someone says I love you and forces me to say it back. I will admit, I've been pressured int he past to do so. However, sometimes, I just stay quiet and say something like, "Me too" instead of full on saying it.


I also believe that when we love someone, it's almost automatic- there's no questioning. At least from my experiences it is. Other times, love blossoms, takes time to grow. It really depends on the chemistry between two people. Some couples hit it off from get go- mentally, emotionally, physically..


It's not to say that you won't eventually love her. The relationship you both share just might not be as mutually strong on all levels.. Just my two cents!

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I asked my boyfriend (a *real* man btw) what he thought of that list and this is his response..........



Laid out like that, I'd find it offensive. I also find some of them

to be extremely 'clingy', and I would have a big problem with them.

Replying right away? Neither party should be guilted into that. I am

assuming that these phone calls or texts could be coming during working

hours, and that's just not something that I would tolerate. These rules

make the writer sound like a domineering, manipulative, neurotic * * * * *.

That having been said, if some of these were expressed as

preferences, when appropriate, then I would have no problem trying to

follow them. Like the restaurant thing. I prefer to face the other

person because it makes conversation easier and more effective, but I

could see myself following #2 if I was asked to nicely and I thought it

really mattered to you. #1 I have a hard time with, for reasons we both

know. #3 is silly. Does that mean the guy has to walk around to open

the girl's door so that he is on the same side of the car when she

emerges? #6, that's just being considerate, so it's something that I

feel you shouldn't need to be asked. I would be pissed to have it

demanded of me, though. From #7 onwards it's all petty crap,

particularly since some are about _his_ apartment, not one they

co-habitate in.

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She actually drew up a list of rules for you? Bloody hell! It's not the stuff on the list I'd have a problem with (well some of it I would), but the list itself! Have you made up a similar list for her, by the way? It's only fair...


Idocsteve wants everyone to know that he wishes he can respond but he cannot because he was banned due to "repeated off topic and disrespectful posts".


This is from him:


1) The list was not written, it was just things that she came up with over time.


2) It is not really a list of rules, more like requests (or preferences, as stated by another poster), and if they aren't followed, then the matter is just dropped, sometimes after giving "the look", or a phrase such as "Honey, you know how I feel when you do/do not do this".


Some of them have been dropped entirely..including but not limited to: Plants behind the sink, sleeping facing her, saying "I love you back" (but "the look" is always there). She cleans the apartment and does the dishes and doesn't even complain anymore when he doesn't do it.

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