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What is Going on With These Two Women?


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I work in a large office building, and have gotten to know two women that work at an accounting firm on a different floor. They are good friends (they went to college together), and are both giving signals to me showing interest.


Girl A got divorced about 6 months ago, and is not in a relationship now. About a month ago, she started emailing me frequently (usually daily), asks personal questions, and always wants me to come see her at work (in her office) to talk. However, I have asked her out to a concert and she said no, which felt like a blowoff. She doesn't seem to want to see me outside of work.


Girl B I don't interact with as much, she doesn't email me, but she asked me out on a date recently (we went to dinner and an arcade) and we had a good time. I am likely to ask her out again. Girl A has never suggested going out with Girl B, so she isn't trying to politely push me on her.


I actually like A a lot, and she gives off more positive vibes, but B is the one that actually asked me out. This is a tricky situation, especially since they are friends. Any thoughts on what is happening?

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maybe girl B is shy and tried to find out all about you through girl A cuz girl A is definitely not interested in you that way. that's why girl A is uninhibited when she asks anything she wants to know out of you. and that's why she rejected u for a date cuz she knows that girl B is the one who really likes u. i think girl A might be trying to do a favor for girl B.


i think u should go with girl B. girl A REJECTED u. how much clearer can it get?

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exactly. if she was truly into u, she could've asked for a rain check. she didn't. she just flatly rejected u, because she was actually working on behalf of her friend.


i personally don't think girl A should've gotten involved at all. she should've just let girl B try to get to know u better. they're acting really junior high-ish. and girl A MUST KNOW that she has charm enough to potentially attract u. i think she's either reeeeeaaaaallly naive about flirting (which i doubt since she was once married.) or she likes getting men's attention, and especially getting the guy whom her friend likes, to be interested in herself. i'd be wary about her, if i were u. she's playing games which is giving you mixed signals.

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Interesting turn of events...I had a get together on Saturday night for a few friends, which I had talked about with Girl A, but did not actually invite her. She actually showed up, and we talked for like an hour. She had to leave to go home, but it felt really nice that she made the effort to see me outside of work. I think this is a good sign. Thoughts?

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