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I wanna quit my job

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As you can see by my less-than-optimistic title, I hate work. It's not so much the job, or my co-workers, or any of that... it's that I'm constantly told how stupid, idiotic, slow, worthless, lacking, under-achieving I am by my boss. Every time I make the dumbest mistake, or forget the slightest thing, he makes a mountain out of it as if the world is coming to an end. I'm always told how lazy I am and that I do everything wrong; which is probably, true, despite the fact that I haul @ss as hard as I can all day long. He's telling me how easy the job is, and that if I can't hack it at a pizza place, I can't hack it anywhere else. I've been there a month, and I'm so stupid and slow that I act like it's my first day there. Whenever he chews me out, it only makes me slower and more depressed. I'd quit... but there aren't all that many job opportunities out there. Especially because I can't put a contact there.... 'cause he'd just tell THEM how stupid, slow, and retarted I am; which is ironic, 'cause he forgot to complete the work schedule last week. He even had the gall to ask me if I forgot my medication!! OOOO The nerve!!! Yeah, I know I have mental problems, and an extremely low attention span, but that's none of his business, and I don't take medication! Every day I work, I'm on a thin wire. I'm always afraid of getting fired, and am always being accused of doing things I didn't do. Anything goes wrong, it's my fault. I hate working for this SOB, and don't wanna go to my shift tomorrow.


Actually, I really don't care anymore if he fires me anyways... however, my mom's gonna think differently. Too much screwing up really does pay its toll; remember that, high school students and younger. He told me that "you're a nice guy, but that doesn't help the company"... well being a total a-hole, following me around, hounding me, and making me guilty until proven innocent probably isn't helping the company either. However, I don't drive to work, deal with the traffic, and get paid minimum wage to have some frustrated, over-zealous middle-aged windbag tell me how stupid and worthless I am. If I wanted to hear that, I'd go back to school.

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Just quit. He's a jerk. Find a better job.


That's what I did recently, although it's not the people, it's the type of work. I don't agree with it, so I put in my two weeks and I'm done. I need a new job now, but I'll get one. You can too.


Don't even go to your shift. Let them suck it up without you. Apparently they don't need you, right? Don't let people treat you like that.

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I hear you.


He does sound to be busting your you know what really hard. Not a sweetheart, that's for sure.


For what's its worth, I'm pretty damn proud of you after reading so many of your posts here, to hear that you are sticking with this regardless.


No matter what happens next, you've put some real effort into this. That means something. That counts for something.


You deserve a pat on the back.

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Just quit. He's a jerk. Find a better job.


That's what I did recently, although it's not the people, it's the type of work. I don't agree with it, so I put in my two weeks and I'm done. I need a new job now, but I'll get one. You can too.


Don't even go to your shift. Let them suck it up without you. Apparently they don't need you, right? Don't let people treat you like that.


If only it were that simple. It was hard enough getting this first job... I had to go to over 12 interviews and apply literally EVERYWHERE just to get this first job. The only thing employers really care about is how much work experience you have... they can't contact my boss because he'll just tell them how slow and stupid I am. The only way I can even have a chance of getting another job is if I have work experience, cause that's all anyone ever cares about. I don't really have a choice if I want to go into work tomorrow or not... 'cause if I quit my job, my mom will be amazingly pissed at me, and I'll lose even more of my liberties. I guess I gotta keep doing what I'm doing... just ignore his insults and anger. It's not as simple as saying "F you, I quit!" and/or enjoying that coveted Office Space-esque glory.

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Hmm....getting a job is not so hard as you think.


Trick is, don't just apply. When you hand in your app ask to speak with someone right away, and ask them to keep you in mind so you don't just get lost in the pile. Call them up once or twice over the week asking for an interview. It's all about persistence.


I can get a job in a week if I wanted. Experience isn't so big a deal, if you make an impression you'll get the job, especially a low level job that anyone can pick up in a week, experience doesn't really matter.

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I think you should start looking for a new job while still going to this one because sometimes it can be hard to find a new job. Take it from me, I went on so many interviews for various jobs but they just never called me back. Now I have a job and I've been here for a good 6 months. I think about leaving a lot but it's easy work and the pay aint so bad.

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That's a good idea. Apply to death, tweak your resume, do volunteer work, go to school, or do whatever you have to while going to this job.


Lots of advantages to that. Breaks the monotony of going to work every day, with some hope of something on the horizon.


While keeping the somewhat security and cash flow of the job.


Trust me, took me a long time to learn, you never want to leave a job without another one lined up and ready to go unless you absolutely have to.

So much easier to get work when you already have it.


I know. It's cruel.

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That's a good idea. Apply to death, tweak your resume, do volunteer work, go to school, or do whatever you have to while going to this job.


Lots of advantages to that. Breaks the monotony of going to work every day, with some hope of something on the horizon.


While keeping the somewhat security and cash flow of the job.


Trust me, took me a long time to learn, you never want to leave a job without another one lined up and ready to go unless you absolutely have to.

So much easier to get work when you already have it.


I know. It's cruel.


Yeah, but what if I'm fired? I'm working my ass off not to get fired, but I think that my efforts are simply gonna make my boss snap and can me. NOT gonna look good to anyone that knows me.

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That guy sounds like an abusive jerk. He shouldn't be treating his employees that way.


The law here where I live, an employer can say that you work there from this date, to that date... but I do not think they are allowed to trash you as a person. I think thats a violation of a national law, maybe someone else can chime in on that note.


The above suggestion that you begin to look for another job is a good one. Just put in applications wherever, and then call them back and see if you can find something better.


You have a choice here. You can choose to change things that are not right. One thing you can change is where you work. You could choose to lay down an accept it too, even though it is very bad for your health. The choice is yours.

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I almost gave up in finding a job until one day I just decided to go to random businesses and ask for an application. Sure enough a few called me back and I started going to interviews. Once you get an interview it's easier because you actually get to meet the people and they get to see what a great person you actually are. You don't need to even mention this * * * * * * * boss on your application (i didnt mention ALL the previous jobs I have had) AND I got an office job without experience in the office! I had been a waitress before earning 7.50 an hour working odd hours and after walking in and applying to an office job one day they hired me and now I am working full time for 10 bucks an hour. It was definitely easier then I thought it would be! My suggestion, start looking on link removed. They have a lot of good jobs there. Stick with your other job until you find a new one if you really can't go long without a job!

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That's a good idea. Apply to death, tweak your resume, do volunteer work, go to school, or do whatever you have to while going to this job.


Lots of advantages to that. Breaks the monotony of going to work every day, with some hope of something on the horizon.


While keeping the somewhat security and cash flow of the job.


Trust me, took me a long time to learn, you never want to leave a job without another one lined up and ready to go unless you absolutely have to.

So much easier to get work when you already have it.


I know. It's cruel.


The problem is this, here; I always fail at school, no matter how hard I try. College is sooooooo easy for everyone else... why is it (along with almost everything else in life) such a monumental task for me? I'm always so beat at the end of my shifts anyways, that any other kind of activity where I'm forced to submit unflinchingly to authority and all is going to make me feel tons more worthless... and when I feel worthless, I start wanting to off myself. No lie.


"When I absolutely have to" is if he ever insults my family or me directly. I'm already damaged enough as is after his continuous chewing me out from yesterday evening and today. I already feel pathetic enough as is, and I don't want to work tomorrow if that's all I'm gonna encounter.


Whoever said "try your best, and everything will be ok!" is rotting in the deepest, darkest, dankest, most wretched pit of hell... next to the one who said "there's always somebody for everybody"

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