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Number of Sexual Partners


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Ok obviously we will embelish/reduce our numbers but I'm curious as to what people have and what they think is excessive so here it goes. And by sex i mean intercourse.





Do you consider yourself to have had a lot of partners?:





Age: 21

Sex: Male

Partners: about 8

Do you consider yourself to have had a lot of partners?: Not really, however I don't think its that few either. I think 1-2 Partners a year is a good number in my eyes. I've been having sex since I just turned 17, and I just turned 21. 2 one night stands, 3 long term partners, and 3 casuals (people I knew pretty well)... maybe more but they slip my mind, and I doubt its any more than 2-3 more.

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Ok obviously we will embelish/reduce our numbers but I'm curious as to what people have and what they think is excessive so here it goes. And by sex i mean intercourse.





Do you consider yourself to have had a lot of partners?:







Age: 26

Sex: M

Partners: 0

Do you consider yourself to have had a lot of partners?: Sure I do. I just wish they was in the room

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Age: 19

Sex: female

Partners: 0

Do you consider yourself to have had a lot of partners?: 0 obviously isn't a lot, but if there were a handful I'd see it as a lot. Ideally I want someone who hasn't had any so we can be each other's only sexual partner for the rest of our lives. Hey I can dream can't I.

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good call Batya.


Had many one night stands: 2 with intercourse.

Careful about STDs: sadly no

Have STDs: nope, I've been lucky, i get checked 3 months after every encounter. Now use condoms until both parties are checked.

Morals on sex: probably not the best, but as I've matured have definitely become more important.

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A person having an excessive number is something that is completely subjective, since each person is going to analyze the other persons number with repect to their own personal number. If you are going to do any analysis on the number of partners then there is a two step process which involves the number the person has and the next step is looking to see if the person has changed their ways of if they still operate in the same manner as they had in the past in order to get their current number.

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lol, where yooh trying to be funny there?


a bOy gives his girl 12 roses 1 fake.

and said,

"I'll love you 'till the last one dies."


now, why can't I meet the sweet ones like that?



No <:>


Oh, and if we're thinking of the same person, he uses that trick with all the girls he meets. And really, he's not lying. The last one doesn't count because it was never alive to begin with.

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Age: 42

Gender: male

Number of sexual partners: 4 long lasting sexual relationships, 1 that broke up immediately after we slept together (and yes, that was the worst downer imaginable)

And no, I've never had a STD. I generally haven't used condoms (which is a story in itself), but my relationships were with women who hadn't had many sexual partners themselves.

I have been tested for STDs a couple of times. Not because I was concerned, but because other stuff required it.

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2 were long term relationships, 4 were casual dating situations, and one was a one night stand where I passed out and was informed I had sex with said girl the previous night.


Do I consider this a lot? No not really, I don't really sleep around. The casual dating situations I had intentions of going to the next level but it obviously didn't end up getting there.

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Age: 25

Sex: F


I don't feel like I've had a lot of partners, but I don't plan on having anymore.

I've had 1 one night stand. We'd been friends for a few yrs, but took it a little further one night.

No STD's get checked annually. (I know I'm not cheating but you can never be too sure about what THEY're doing.)

No unwanted pregnancies. My boyfriend and I got pregnant but I miscarried.

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Ok obviously we will embelish/reduce our numbers but I'm curious as to what people have and what they think is excessive so here it goes. And by sex i mean intercourse.





Do you consider yourself to have had a lot of partners?:





Age: 27

Sex: F

Partners: 8

A lot? meh.. I'd say average in this day and age. Most all of them were someone I was involved with for at least a short while, the exception being one booty call friend... and I know all of their first and last names, so hey... proud of that!


I don't think the number is such a big deal nowadays anyhow. I think just about the only thing you can guess about someone with really high numbers is that maybe they either have fear of commitment or really just don't want to commit yet... and that they are pretty sexual. Having tons of partners can be a symptom of some issues, but its certainly not a problem in and of itself. Just my two cents... gotta look at a person as a whole, not just their stats.

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Wasn't going to post, but...thought long and hard.

Age: Older

Number of partners: High 30's

Number of relationships: 1,college, 2 years, one in 20's, 2 years, married including dating / engagement, 30 years.

No unwanted pregnancies, no diseases. No heartbreaks either.

My numbers are "high" because I worked in a field where there were a lot of single transients always passing through...7 states, 9 major cities...it was FUN, FUN, FUN....

History: when i met Kim and we dated...alll bets were off...

But it worked.

She used to joke...All those women, all that time, I was right here!

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