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Hey Everyone


It's been over 2 weeks since I have last spoken to my ex. We broke up after I found out she cheated on me. We both agreed that we would keep the door open for the future. We talked a few times after we broke up and did some stuff that we should not have done but we both decided to cut the contact, for now anyways. We also both agreed that we would like to have sometime apart to think about everything and do different things.


So that brings me to today. It has been hard tottally cutting contact. In 3 years we have never gone over a week without talking. But anyways, I am doing good, have been keeping busy, working alot, going to the gym, drinking with the boys, ect..


I am working right now on a coop placement and have one night class. Its nice to try and get ahead. So last night this group of girls that sit by me, asked me if I would like to go for a drink. I wasnt doing anything after class so I agreed. I thought it would do no harm in meeting some first year girls. (im in 3rd). One of the girls there was really quiet and kinda cute. I tried hard to get her to talk. Finally after a couple beers she opened up. She is a really great girl and we connected really well. I then gave her a ride back to her rez (i was not drunk) and she then gave me her number and told me to call her. I really wanna call her as she is a very nice girl and I would like to get to know her better.


I was no expecting something like this to happen so soon. I am still not over my ex, and I still believe that one day me and the ex will get back together, just not right now. I think my ex feels the same way. When I was talking to the new girl I found myself comparing her to my ex.


I dont know what to do. Should I call the girl? What if the ex finds out? How will she react? If i go out with the new girl will my ex be pissed off that she would not want to talk to me anymore and close the door? Should I tell the ex? The ex and I never really talked about seeing other people, but I do know that she does not want that right now in her life and I wasnt really thinking about it either until last night. I just dont reallly know what to do. I dont wanna sit around waiting for me and my ex to work things out. I just wanna move on with my life and see what the future holds. I am confused and dont know what to do. I just dont wanna hurt the ex. Can anyone please tell me what I should do.

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Well, i guess it's a little different in your situation. But since yer asking for opinions mine would be.


To get to know the other girl, it won't be Rebound or anything and you'll most likely find yer not thinking about yer ex when things get good with this girl.


This based on the sole fact, that she cheated. I don't think i could be with someone who cheated on me. It's the ultimate sin in a relationship. No matter if you break up as friends, no matter if she says she changed. I would never get back with her.


However you can tell yer ex about the new girl, and maybe you could tell the new girl. About yer situation after you've had some good times together. I think she does have the right to know that you still have contact with your ex as a friend. That is if you are even going with the new girl, i definitely would.


Good luck

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I dont wanna sit around waiting for me and my ex to work things out. I just wanna move on with my life and see what the future holds


I think you've already answered your own questions. You found a girl that seems interesting. You want to move on with your life. I know you don't want to hurt your ex but you've already broken up. Its perfectly ok to be moving on.

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Thanks, everyone.


I think that I have a clear understanding of what I am gonna do.


1) Call the new girl. Explain to her that I would just like to date casually or have a good friend for now, as I dont think I am ready for any type of commitment or relationship.


2) Dont worry about the ex. If she finds out ... so what we are broken up.

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