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goodness gracious she jsut keeps on changing


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ok so this girl and i are best friends...im sure alot of ppl have alreayd heard my sotry about her many times. she always talks about how i make her feel comfortable and all the toerh things that a good boyfriend would do for and to a girlfriend. but when we talked she said she didnt want a relationship at the moment because her last one ended too ugly. a couple months past and as hard as it was ive kinda gotten over her while remaining tobe really good frends with her. all was well. but just recently shes been acting really really close to me. she calls me at midnight to talk to me about her problems instead of her girl friends. and she wants to be with me when shes upset and not her girl friends either. so ive been getting all messed up again. and yesterday one of her friends told me that she said exactly this "its really ahrd on me too. i know he doesnt think so but it is. i try not to lead him on but i really like him and sometmes i just kinda forget about other things about it. and he is just a really amazing guy too. but i dont know im kinda busy right now (shes in the miss US pageant). and i dont want our friendship to be ruined liek me and my ex did" so now that i knwo that im just completely lost. what do you guys think?

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Ok from what i've learn don't get your hopes to high. If she calls you a lot late at night and wants to be with you rather than her girlfriends doesn't necssarily means she likes you, you are probably a good listener and person to give advice. For now just give her her time and space and assume she doesn't like you that way. If and when she's ready she will show more interests and it will be clear.

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