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Girls, how important are confidence and the ability to make you laugh in a guy?

Cheeky Charmer

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I'm not ugly but I'm not the best looking guy either, but I went through the first twenty years of my life thinking that such a things as leagues existed.


I also found it difficult to open up in front of attractive girls as I believed them to be well out of my league.


However, by the age of 21, I was noticing that girls aren't as shallow as us blokes and they often see beyond the looks and place equal focus in a man who can make them laugh and is confident in his own skin.


Gradually I grew more and more confident, chatting to a number of girls and think I managed to crack it (not completely though as the sexes will never fully understand each other).


Since then I have dated several beautiful girls, most of whom I would have considered to be out of my league years ago, but this goes to show the importance of charm.


So, to the guys who are trying to summon the courage to ask a girl out just remember, as my sig says, 'if you don't shoot you don't score'.

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Absolutly the number one thing. If he can't make me laugh it's pointless. A good sense of humor is one of the most important things for a person to have in my opinion. Confidence would be a close second in my opinion. I'm a confident, outgoing person and I need someone who matches that at least to a certain point.

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The ability to make me laugh is absolutely number one.


Of course there would have to be some attraction for a relationship to ensue but attractiveness is a sliding scale with me dependent on your personality.


Could I ever be with someone who could not make me laugh or smile? No.

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Charm, confidence and the ability to make me laugh ARE very important. Also having a good leveled head is important.


A good personality does alot for a person. After all you can't fall in love with someone because they are "hot" (that's * * * * NOT love), looks fade... personality is forever.


Stability is another key factor. A guy who can hold a job no matter how much he may dislike it. My boyfriend has been at the same job for 5 years. He's very level headed and always thinks before he acts or spends money. Careless spending is never a good thing.


There's nothing wrong with being a little shy either, most people just aren't the in your face type. The laid back attitude is good.... but there is such a thing as way to laid back to almost the point of not caring.

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I totally agree, cheeky ... Each woman places a different level of importance on different attractive characteristics. As to those for whom looks are the defining characteristic, I really wouldn't want to be with them anyway, beautiful or not, because they are as shallow as a tire rut!!! But I've gone a long way with my average looks, confident manner and humorous outlook. I would say that confidence and humor easily turn a 5 into a 7 or 8.



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Hazey_amber, I'm only trying to highlight something, namely that if you like someone and you feel as if you'd be suited to them you shouldn't start thinking they're unapproachable. I was just pointing out there's no such thing as leagues and the right individual qualities should see you through.


I'm anything but superficial.

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