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Everything posted by Gabrielle0975

  1. Day 7 WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM?!?!?!?! Ok...so last night, the abusive bastard had the nerve to call up my brother and argue with him and beg to talk to me...my brother didnt let this happen, though he did wake me up and let me in on the drama. He was just giving some bull * * * * excuses of course and he changed his answering machine so that a girl was saying it. UGH. he is so retarded. Like, why does he not understand that I'm moving on...really fast....and even if i wasnt moving on, i wouldnt come back to him. I mean. ugh. he's so crazy. I hate him. After all the things he did, why on earth does he think i would even WASTE my time dwelling on his stupid crap when I can go out there and have a great time. I can find plenty of guys who would appreciate me and cherish me so why stick with a bastard who promises to change but never does? Well guys, I'm still doing considerably well. It just makes me hate him even more. what a jerk. LURVE Gabrielle
  2. Day 6 I didnt post for Day 5 because I donno...I'm actually healing surprisingly well. I feel kinda guilty reading all of your other posts on this thread cuz for some odd reason...Im healing unbelievably fast for a breakup of an on and off 3 year relationship! I've become so indifferent to him. Maybe its cuz I was in a very abusive relationship? and now I realize all the crap he did and I just dont even allow him to come back into my mind cuz he doesnt have that privelege ! And I donno...I hope you guys get better soon too!
  3. Day 4 still holding up... [: I donno why..I'm not having problems with NC right now. In fact, I rarely even think about him. Weird. Maybe the pain will come..hopefully not.
  4. Day 3 haha.....i'm getting by well. hope you guys are too!
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