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Should "I Miss You" Worry Me?


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Haha oh no, I'm making another one of these topics. Please don't kill me, but I'm wondering if I should be worried about this or not.


I've had the phrase thrown at me at times from a couple of guys. Basically how often will a guy say this to a girl platonically? Is this normal? Should I be worried that any of them like me? How many other signs are needed to make things suspicious (one guy maybe has done a couple other things, the other, well, technically I dated but I stopped because I didn't think he was into me as a person)? Should I ignore this as me being paranoid of complications or should I need to start paying attention?

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It really depends on the guy. I've had guy friends who have trouble telling their long-term girlfriends that they miss them...And I've got guy friends who send "I miss you" messages to their platonic female friends if they haven't seen then in over a week. And they are not looking for any action -- they are simply very social, friendly guys who genuinely miss the company of their gal pals because they're not used to being separated for prolonged periods of time.

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Ah cool, I'll just leave it be. I may be a typical girl in some ways but in this way I must just be different, because in many situations I'd just find it cheesy and unnecessary if I had to say such things. It's funny that I haven't met anybody like that until now (21). Funnier that it'd be men. Admittedly I don't think I've ever missed anyone other than immediate family in my entire life. And that's including good/best friends I haven't seen in years.


I think in some ways men are more emotional than women, though.

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Ah cool, I'll just leave it be. I may be a typical girl in some ways but in this way I must just be different, because in many situations I'd just find it cheesy and unnecessary if I had to say such things. It's funny that I haven't met anybody like that until now (21). Funnier that it'd be men. Admittedly I don't think I've ever missed anyone other than immediate family in my entire life. And that's including good/best friends I haven't seen in years.


I think in some ways men are more emotional than women, though.


Seriously, men are more emotional then women. In general, women have a better coping mechanism because it's socially acceptable for them to vent, and speak openly about their feelings to their friends and family. Men are taught to play the tough guy and keep it all in. When you're that hard, you become brittle, and you shatter easily. It's all just repressed emotion which is the most dangerous, volatile kind. That's why some men truly seem to go off the deep end when confronted with emotionally traumatic situations while most women are better able to cope. It may appear like the woman is taking the breakup harder because she puts a voice to it, and her hurt feelings are transparent, but the man is much, much worse off. He has all those same feelings, but with no mechanism to release them, and none of the comaraderie and sympathy that the woman gets from her social network. Even when the man does find a friend to talk with, it's mostly superficial.


"Buck up, let me buy you a beer. Screw that chick, she was no good." That's not exactly healthy therapy.


I have a lot of female friends for just this reason.

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No need to worry. As everyone else on this forum will tell you. Us guys have emotion too!! We're just not allowed to show it too much, but lots of the times, they can say this without going to a serious level. Sure, there will be a few who feel they'll only say it when there's something more. But there is a greater chance these two just find your personality addictive, and enjoy being around you (in a friendly approach)

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Depends on the person. Might just be the way he is and he tells people he cares about that he misses them.

Have you noticed him telling his other female friends the same thing?

I wouldnt read to much into it unless there are other signs that can shed more light

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HMMMMMM I have been wondering the same thing. I wouldn't worry about it though until more definite signs have been shown. It could go either way and why bother worring yourself with a problem with no answer (unless you actually ask them but I think that that is unecessary at this point)? If you wanted to get and idea though, just think about what kind of guy they are. If they are the voicing "i miss you type", then it is most likely platonic. If not, well... just wait for more signs and ignore it if you can. No point worrying about what may or may not be there.

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