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Anyone here have surgery??

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I had a birthmark removed from my jaw line it was called a "hemogioma" something like that right next to my facial nerve, it was purely for medical reasons but also made me self-conscious. I had it removed by a renowned surgeon who was really well known but cos it was so near my facial nerve they had to be really careful cos otherwise it would hit my facial nerve and i'd have a paralyzed face. I mean its reduced in size A lot but its still slightly visible so when I'm 17/18 and my face has fully developed if its still slightly visible i'm gonna get more surgery. I've always wanted a keira knightly pout though she's beautiful.

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When I was a little baby, I had a mole removed from my neck because it was unsightly. The surgery was long (because mole was deep and it was close to a major artery). I have a small scar on my neck because of it.


Also, on my left thumb, I had a bit of a protrusion with a small nail on it (like the beginning of an extra finger). That was also removed when I was a baby. My left thumb still has the scar from that and my left thumb is not jointed.

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Just to let you know its not really plastic. They take really soft skin from anothe part of your body usually your butt. And they clean it and do a few things to it to prepare it and they just transplant that skin to your nose or wherever your surgery is.

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Just to let you know its not really plastic. They take really soft skin from anothe part of your body usually your butt. And they clean it and do a few things to it to prepare it and they just transplant that skin to your nose or wherever your surgery is.

Actually, most implants are plastic nowadays, but the term "plastic surgery" was not coined with any relationship to the substance plastic (polymer based artificial material). The word plastic is actually from Greek plassein, to mold. Plastic, the material, is named for its plasticity, a characteristic of the materials reaction to stress, which has its word origins in the same Greek word.

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