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I feel like a loser..


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What do you guys do in a day? I feel like a loser. I do work and I do go to school- but I do everything half assed- just skate on by.

I do not feel good about the way I look and do not feel like doing anything about it, thereforeeee isolating myself for the most part in my house. I know I can join a club, or get some hobbies- but I won't do it for some reason. I will go out sometimes if I feel ok about the way I look, but on most days I dont.

Here is an example of a day off:


-wake up at 10 or 11


- go on the internet

- maybe workout


-go on the internet

- think


- take a nap

-watch tv


-go to sleep at 2 am or so


I pretty much do the same thing on work and school days.


I just wanted to know what everyone else does in their day. I have friends who are busy all day and social at night. I dont know how to handle that.

How do you live life?

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I don't do anything with myself either. I dropped out of college because I hate it, and I'm struggling ceaselessly to try and find a job. I feel like giving up guitar because I suck at it, have really bad writers block, and I really don't have many friends, and girls hate me (why, because I'm myself and don't live by their banal standards?) so I'm lonely all the time too. So, yeah... There's not much I can really do about myself. Hell, I even suck at videogames.


The only way I ever deal is realizing that one day, I will die.

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Well, if you are a looser, I guess that means Im a looser. I think more people than you realize often feel the same way. Sometimes we just lack motivation and need a little inspiration. But you have to look for it. Start by doing little things that you might not of done before. Instead of working out at the gym, go for a long walk. Or cook something new. You never know, something little could a new passion inside of you. But all that aside, you don't sound like a looser.

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Yeah I know what u guys mean sometimes life can seem soo boring but to be honest its really what you make of it. I have days exactly like yours and they seem * * * * but i dont want to go out because I feel * * * *. But I realised you cant live like this all the time. I mean life can be good if you really want it to be and believe it can be. Why not ask to go out with ur friends and meet some of their friends. Expand your social life, I got my friends to introduce me to their friends which really helped me get out more. And also doing sport makes you feel so much better about yourself and its a complete outlet for me. I dont know if any of that helped but I wish you good luck and hope things get better.

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Continue with school. I can tell you, from my own experience, that dropping out of college, to continue with my full time job, was the worse mistake I've ever done.


Back then it looked like a great idea...


Two jobs later I was fired, eventhough I was about to quit.


Now the lack of a BS degree is making it real hard for me to find a new job, and its basically made it impossible for me to continue moving "up in the food chain" (I've been turned down for several management positions, I have the experience and knowledge, but I don't have the degree).


So, at 28, I'm going back to college next month, while I continue with a mediocre job, that I know I'm overqualified for (I'm still looking for that job, hope to find it soon).

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Your only a loser if you say so. You are your own judge jury and executor , and the only person who can set you free is yourself.


There are only three directions in life, down where death lies, stay where you are and go in circles, or up where an improved life lies ahead, the first 2 are worthless and lead to nowhere, this is important because it means you can set the course of your life, to the only direction that is valuable ,namely upwards towards into progress. It doesn't matter from there on wether you win or lose in life, you simply keep on following the positive course, that way you can ALWAYS be confident no matter what happens, because you know that going for gold in your life is the only right way to live.


If change was just a thought, then anyone could do it. But reality is that you can't just sit around feeling miserable for yourself and the situation you are in while being punched in the face by the reality of life. Those thoughts of change, can't become real if you just sit around feeling sorry for yourself, if you want to change then why would you stay in a state of paralyzation? If that happens it means you do not want to change, you are simply waiting for the world and people around you to change, thereforeeee


Without walking, there's no way to move forward, you'll just end up waiting.


Also its a means of attitude. I've set a couple of important rules for myself.


-Always Finish what you start.


-Persistance is the key to succes

While Lazyness is the cause of failures.


-Life Is more of a test to challenge your abilities... set a goal and see if you can achieve it.Same thing , set challenges for yourself. severely hate having things incomplete.


-pick a skill & stick to it. The transitions between switching skills add up to a huge waste of time


-figure out the most efficient methods to raise your skills mainly.

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Man you guys aren't losers I am. I'm 17 almost 18, graduating high school in a week. Im failing 3 out of the 6 course I am taking. I lost my job at best buy a few months back cause of an idiot that was hired for seasonal, I found another and got fired after working 3 days which would equal 1 shift per day. I had dropped out of high school for 2 months after I clicked 16 (I would actually go to auto class). Now Im getting into an Automotive apprentice. I cant get into any other programs. I dont win any awards or anything like that. All I have is my girlfriend, sister and my SUV.

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This is exactly what my life is like these days. Eat, sleep, internet. Occasional work, see friends once a fortnight etc.


They are all at uni and a bit removed, and I'm not happy with myself enough to go out at night. I don't particularly get on with the peeps at work, and, well, I also go through periods of devastating self-consciousness, followed irritatingly by egotism.




Why I'm bothering to post this I don't know - neither this site, nor any other on the net, has ever changed my life. I know I have to do it, but things seem to happen so slowly.

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Everyone, there is nothing you can do to make you happy. Happiness comes from within. You find it within yourself. You do the things in life because they bring you happiness not because you are happy because you do them.


See the difference?


Helping others is one way of bringing happiness to yourselves. Volunteer!


How can you help yourself to be happy? Well, only you know that but I know for a fact that it starts and ends with being grateful and thankful.



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I work at like 3:30pm which sucks because I get home around 1:30 am, get to sleep by 4am (these days like 7am) and get up and work. All I do is eat, work, and sleep on my days on.


My days off are different; i get up at like 10-12, eat something, maybe to lunch with by buddy, see a movie (usually by myself ebcause I always have weekdays off), maybe study for LSATS, pay bills, maybe workout, these days I have been watching alot of Venture Brothers and House, so I watch a good 2-3 hours a day of TV, Usually surf for stuff on itunes, cash my paycheck, sometimes I go to a friends house at night ... but not alot the few close friends I do have ... have real jobs.


It is tough to do stuff when you work a late afternoon to kate evening shift, especially when alot of the people you know ... you went to college with and they have real 9-5 jobs. Also there was like a period of 2 years when all I did was go to school and then go to work ..... so I had to blow people off ... and that leaves a bad taste with some people.


Gosh I miss school.

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Yeah there probably is something wrong with living like this but life isn't perfect we cant always live charmed lives 24/7. I think these kind of phases are pretty temporary in life, everyone gets stuck in a rut from time to time but we all have some self support system that lets us pick ourselves up again.

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