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Everything posted by Hazyillusions

  1. Wow...This gave me goosebumps. You did an amazing job!
  2. Whoever she is, hope she makes everyday magical. God knows, you deserve it. I'll always keep you close to my heart. Have a blessed life.
  3. God knows what is hiding in this world of little consequence Behind the tears, inside the lies A thousand slowly dying sunsets.
  4. I need to get over you E. I'M TRYING SO F HARD. WHY CAN'T I JUST LET YOU GO? I'm crying right now, I need a l ittle E hug terribly.
  5. I didn't have the best night yesterday. My sleep quality is sht. I miss you E, wish I could just call you up just to say Hi. Too bad you're overseas now and gone. =(
  6. Tomorrow will be exactly half a year since we broke up. I miss you heaps, hope you're doing well and accomplishing those dreams you'd worked so hard towards.
  7. I need to stop. Just stop. Why am i googling you? I need to control myself. That split second decision and 20 seconds has now shifted my mood and I'm feeling f fantastic.
  8. Happy bday hun! Hope the day goes great for ya. My ex ignored my birthday too. =/ Felt like sh.
  9. She might've thought it was a mass text. Don't be disappointed, hang tough *hugs*
  10. I miss you E. I miss you so much. I wish I could stop thinking back to things. It's hurting me.
  11. My ex from last year-the one I spent a year trying to get over informed me last night that he still loved me. I spent countless nights distraught over him. This feels strange. Oh and J's ex texted me. I know what he wants, not going there! What sort of bf hits on another girl at his gf's bday party?! On a happier note, boy from work whom I gave my number to before leaving that place texted me yesterday! I'm kinda excited but sad at the same time. Maybe that's why I had that mini breakdown at midnight. I'm not over you at all, so it's hard.
  12. I love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you. My heart hurts, I really want to contact you right now.
  13. I love you. I want to stop feeling sad. In a few days, it'll be 6 months since the BU. Since all you are right now is just a fragment of my memories, shouldn't it be time that I start truly letting you go? I'm trying E.
  14. I deserve so much more than what you ever offered me. Right now I'm heading in the right direction-I'm going to make drastic changes to how I do things and I'm going to make myself proud. I can do this! I'm working towards my short term goals now. Miss you but think I'm starting to realise and accept reality. I can and WILL get passed this.
  15. Sometimes love can only get you so far. I'm really trying to let you go, you know that? Hopefully one day soon, I'll get to my destination.
  16. I miss you. I can still picture your face and smile so vividly. I wish you were here with me.
  17. Do you recall, how you'd always made me want to be better? Well I quit my job a week ago, and in the space of a week I've found myself a much better position. Now I'm still waiting for what happens with another position- if I can get an offer for that, I'll be over the moon. Thank you E, thanks for pushing me-it's done me a lot of good.
  18. Hope your life's going well. Two days ago, after work I happened to be sitting at the bus stop when this tall guy with ashy dark blonde hair passed me. He really reminded me of you. Wish I could get you out of my head. I miss you E. =(
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