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Everything posted by waffle

  1. I'm just surprised that men continue not to see through the women who work at these joints.
  2. Pretty much the same as the above but may or may not involve the appearance of a strap-on. 😈
  3. I'm glad YOU said that. 😉
  4. Trophy wives are for sale, and men at a certain income level can buy one. This is much different than a young man trying to score a MILF. Now if you said lots of men working the Taco Bell drive-thru or riding a garbage truck (not that there's anything wrong with those professions, it's honest work) had trophy wives, that would be surprising.
  5. Don't you wish they would come back and say "here's how it all worked out" or in most cases I suspect it's more "here's how it all DIDN'T work out"?
  6. Is there a reason you don't date women your own age?
  7. There are a fair amount of youngsters out there looking to do a MILF. For a variety of reasons--as a fetish or a one-time thing or other reasons (rite of passage, etc.). If you want to play along, your decision, and if not, your decision too. If you're looking for something serious, though, this probably ain't it.
  8. How can someone be all "I wear a mask because I care about others" and in the next breath want to assault those others you pretend to care so much about? Serious question. I see people every day who are doing something different than I am and it literally never occurs to me to hate them or harm them in any way. The very worst in humanity has been brought out by this. 😞 What if we just respected other peoples' opinions and simply go the other way without incident if we're uncomfortable?
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