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Everything posted by laroxes

  1. Foreplay is the sex play before the grand entrance. Erotic stimulation starts the lubricating essense flowing to make the embrace smooth. It is the touching or kissing of all the sensitive parts of each other. It could even be words that arouse & excite.
  2. You lose your virginity only when you lose your cherry. That is when his penis enters your vagina & breaks thru your hymen & makes pregnancy a possibility. If he puts it in your mouth or bottom or between your breasts you wont get pregnant but you lose your innocence & could be labelled easy or a ho.
  3. I love hugs & just like kisses there are no right or wrong way to do it, only different ways. Whether planned or spontaneous, around waist or neck or under arm & over shoulder a hug is a roundabout way of expressing affection. Never stop hugging & share them with children, seniors, relatives, friends & if you ever meet me, let us hug too. XO XO
  4. ................ I would go under her panties with my fingers but it might be too soon to go down on her as thrilling it would be for me. In time it will feel like the natural thing to do & she might even show her permission thru body language.
  5. It would be the truth if you told him it was accidently broken. That is what she told me & I know she was telling the truth & was a virgin the first time we had sex.
  6. If there is anything to be done differently the expert to advise you with that information would be the uncircumcized male you wish to please.
  7. If you've been honest with each other & if you both trust each other then he will believe you when you say you are a virgin. He may even know that some girls try to stretch their hymen to make it easier to penetrate when they have sex for the first time.
  8. Someday you may have a 14 year old daughter & you will probably want to tell her what a lot of the girls on this forum had advised,"Don't be in a hurry to have sex while you are a young teenager." Wait, & you will mature & be less apprehensive & get to know more about what is important before you surrender yourself so completely.
  9. No one asked this but if this is your first time & you are a virgin then wouldn't it be your hymen that is preventing his entering?
  10. You don't get a home run until you touch all the bases & you wouldn't start with oral sex before you touched 1st base. If you try to get to second base without a go ahead you might not make it. You can't make out if you are put out.
  11. I know you asked for girls' opinions but ask yourself about this. Would a guy prefer her to masturbate him or give him oral sex? I'm sure you'd find the majority choosing the more intimate way of fulfilment but then why not do both?
  12. For your enjoyment you would want it just long enough to fit completely in her vagina or mouth. If it were so long that you could only get 1/2 of it in you would be missing out on 1/2 of the fun. Instead of size you should be more concerned with technique & pleasing her. A penis is a small percent of the whole man. A measure of a man is not determined by the length of his penis.
  13. 1. Yes! Virginity has a value......2. Yes! I would prefer to marry a virgin.......3. Realizing that there are so many that have lost their virginity I look for other values in their character. Sex is important but not the whole person. It's how you respond & relate to each other. It's how you support, encourage, & comfort each other. Love is very deep & complex but worth all your energy for a lifetime romance.
  14. You have been given good advice & made a wise decision. You are not in a race. She will appreciate not being rushed & may stop you if you go a little too far but should not be mad at you after knowing you for so long. Show by your hugs that you treasure her & are that you are there to protect her. A hug should never be felt like a cage or entrapment. Can you understand,"Firm but gentle."
  15. Let her know that she was successful beyond measure by telling her what you felt. Tell her she made your head spin or your insides tremble from your toes to your head. Tell her there is no thrill to compare to what she had just given to you. Tell her you can't think straight but you know for certainty that she is a treasure. Tell her the pleasure of that moment will comfort & excite you when you are apart & you play it back in your memory.
  16. He shook because the thrill of it was so overwhelming. He probably had masturbated shortly before but didn't want to tell you because he didn't want to be denied the pleasure of your lips in that most intimate of kisses. Sex is not a timed activity. It takes as long as it takes & could vary from time to time.
  17. Do you mean the best for you or the best for him? Ask yourself,"What is the best position for a kiss?" The answer would be, any position because the important thing is the kiss & not the position. The best position would be any in which you are part of. There is no best position just diferent positions & the variety is what makes it exciting. Is sex suppose to be comfortable? There is the lazy position in which he just lays there & lets you do all the work.
  18. If the climax a girl gets from masturbating is anything like a guy gets then I would say don't deny yourself the thrill. If I were a girl I'd be trying to find new ways to do it all the time. It's an arousing thought thinking of girls wanting to masturbate themselves, even more so if if was done in front of me.
  19. I would want to be very close where I could see deep inside as you spread your love lips & ran your fingers up & down saying,"I'm pretending these are your fingers thrilling me." And when you started sliding them in and out & in and out say,"I can feel your manhood & want more." Finally, with your fingertips rub your clit & say,"Your tongue is so delightful on my love nub. Don't ever stop kissing & licking it." I'm getting hot visualizing it all. 8)
  20. ...................What is it you like about being kissed by a guy? Doesn't that contact of the opposite sex stimulate you? A guy can touch himself sexually whenever he want but seldom has the chance to do that with a girl & if she allows him that liberty he is encouraged that he could go further. It is also stimulating for him.
  21. I think it is great to have a close friend of the opposite sex that you can talk with so freely & openly. I am willing to bet that if you told her you would love to pleasure her with oral sex (as you have with other women) but nothing further, she would spread her legs without hesitation. I believe she is patiently waiting & hoping that in time you will want to change the friendship to a deeper more orgasmic relationship. Let us know how this turns out.
  22. If she likes what I'm doing her kisses get more plentiful, stronger, deeper, and passsionate as her arms pull me tighter.
  23. ...................................If you are perfect he may wonder how many others have you practiced on to get that good. It would be better if you asked him what he liked because you've never done it. He would be honored to be the first & excited to call the shots.
  24. I guess I've always been lucky because her aroma arouses me & her taste tantalizes me & the sight of her most intimate entrance lures me. Ask him to taste your lips & after he gives you a wet kiss tell him you mean your other lips. If he hesitates it may be because he is too immature & afraid of the unknown. The time will come when he wants to do it not just for the pleasure it gives to you but because of the pleasure he gets from it.
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