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Everything posted by IAMQUEEN06

  1. Hey Jimma....I'm only a few years older than you and my boyfriend has the same problem..Some females love to talk about themselves...Ask her what she plans to do after she graduates high school...or ask her about her favorite things like...her favorite movie..or color..or other things like that. Find out what things you guys have in common.....you know stuff like that.
  2. Hi Sweetie! I am first going to be careful in how I say this but: You should have been using protection. Although I look down upon intercourse before marriage especially in young people, we all make mistakes. But a thing to think about...if you are pregnant that means you are having unprotected sex...this means that you are opening yourself up to many other things.... you know...the gifts that keep on giving. My advice to you is to not have an abortion but instead give the child up for adoption yes it may be a hard thing to do..but you have to look out for the child's well being. Sweetie please stop having sex!! Unprotected sex anyway....If you would like to hold a private convo with me please please please please IM me at Sheonie06 (AOL) or you can e-mail me! Keep ya head up girl!!
  3. Hi Everyone I'm a new memeber and I need some advice. I'm in a relationship with this guy and we've been together for about a month... although I am in so way shape or form a shy person I find it hard to talk or show affection towards him at all. He gets upset and complains that he thinks I don't like him the way he likes me because of the way I act. Does anyone have any ideas or advice on how I can become comfortable around this guy before I lose him?
  4. In my eyes I find it hard to trust my boyfriend because of things that have happened in the past. Although it is always said that you shouldn't live in the past it will always be a part of the present as well as the future. Trust takes a lot of time and a lot of patience. People say that relationships should be built on trust...there are a lot of people out there who are in good relationships but do not trust each other completely...but as I see I don't think you should fully trust ANYONE!!!
  5. Sweetiepie...I am in total agreeance with you. Nowaday females are in so much competition it's hilarious. And like you said it's horrible among the younger generation...I am in high school. Not to toot my own horn or anything but I'm not an ugly girl...I think I'm rather pretty. I'm a African lightskin female. There are girls in my school who have said they do not like me because I am lightskin...I get the nasty stares and everything. These girls are the ones who are always trying to look better then the rest of the females. I find it rather amusing in the way they look at life!
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