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  1. You can make it work! If it's meant to be, it will happen. Have you thought about building a life together that incorporates both of your faiths? So you go to worship on different days...that just means that on whichever day he worships, you get to go shopping, and on the day you worship, he gets to watch football! I don't mean to be flippant about something that's obviously important to you. All I'm saying is that two people in love can overcome any obstacle. As for the kids? You can make it very clear to them that mommy believes this, while daddy believes that, and it's okay to believe different things, because you still love and respect eachother. How can kids not thrive in that kind of environment?
  2. ...so he can't completely not like you, right? Whenever a guy has liked me, he's always made eye-contact with me, and paid close attention to what I was saying. If he looks bored, or interrupts you a lot, or is rude at all, chances are good he doesn't like you.
  3. I know how it is when you're really in love with someone: even if they're acting like a complete idiot and you know it, you can't just stop loving them, even if it's the right thing to do. The advice everyone else gave you was good. He sounds like a bad husband. He sounds like he needs to grow up. It takes some of us longer than others. Hang in there, and follow your gut instincts, even when it's hard.
  4. I'm a bisexual 20-something, and I work with the world's most adorable woman, who is also bi. We spend a lot of time together outside of work, and I'd say we're pretty good friends. A couple of weeks ago, she was trashed, and I kissed her. On the forehead, on the side of her neck, nothing too intense. I didn't want to freak her out if she wasn't into it. Since then, I've told her that if what happened upset her, that I was sorry, but that if it didn't, I was going to kiss her again the next chance I had! But I've kind of chickened out. She's not encouraging me, but she's not discouraging me either, and I don't want to ruin the friendship we have now....what should I do? Is she giving me the go ahead? Is she just being nice? Ah, women...
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