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  1. Don't trip out so much. I didn't get a girlfriend until I was 26. You are still young and you have time. Just try to get into situations where you can meet a girl you actually like. Go to school, for example. My problem is that I worry that I'm getting too old, and I can't meet girls since I don't do a lot of social things. I really can't worry about meeting my "dream girl" because I don't know who she is. I'm just gonna hang around and hope that one day I will.
  2. I designed and paid for a tattoo for my last girlfriend. That was almost 4 1/2 years ago. To her it represented the end of her last relationship and the beginning of ours. Well, she just broke up with me almost two months ago. She said she will always hold a place for me in her heart. I hope the next guy she does will take a look at it and realize how many guys she has dumped.
  3. I just found out that my ex-gf is moving away to New York probably with her new bf. I know she dumped me but I am still hurt. I guess I was hoping she would come back to me someday, but the fact she didn't tell me suggest otherwise. I want to tell her to stay but it's not my decision. What should I do?
  4. Funny, I smashed my WRX into a parking wall after my gf dumped me. Your bf sounds like he needs help. I mean you regret things after you pull some of those types of things so that isn't healthy or productive. That type of behavior can lead into physical abuse, so I would watch out for signs of that.
  5. I don't necessarily want her back. How can I show my face to all my friends who supported me through this? She's the one who was selfish and dishonest. My problem is that I still love her. Of course everyone says there is someone out there who is better for you, and fortunately that's true. I'm not going to waste my time trying to get her back, because she's not hearing any of it right now and I think you shouldn't be wasting your time trying to get your bf back if he's not having it either. Now if she did come crawling back,...I don't know. There's a major pain in my heart that can't possibly be healed.
  6. I had been dating this girl for almost five years. Just last month, right after her 26th birthday, she began to act cold towards me. After a couple of days, I confronted her about it on the phone. For some reason I knew what was up: She wanted to break up with me. At first she said it was just a break, that she wanted time to "find herself". I was quite upset if you can imagine. She was my first girlfriend and I was hoping my last. She was pressuring me to marry her and I was about to ask her this year. So when she had brought this up, this was all quite a shock. I didn't really believe her when she said it wasn't someone else when I asked. I knew she was capable of it because that is how she ended up with me those many years ago. She left her fiance for me. I pleaded for her to stay with me and that I could change, but all she wanted was time, so I decided to give it to her. The days and weeks after that turned out to be a nightmare. I had got her tickets to a SF Giants game and she had just dumped me a few days before that. Grief striken, I gave away the tickets to some stranger on the street. A few days later, I smashed my new car's bumper into a wall. Distraught and upset, I called up my ex-girlfriend because I needed someone to talk to. During this conversation, she revealed to me that she was "talking" to someone new. We had planned a vacation to Los Angeles together to go to Disneyland, since I had never went there before. But since she left me, I ended up going to LA with some friends (w/o going to Disneyland). During this time, I became concerned with her, because she was doing things we weren't doing before like drinking and staying out late, so since she didn't change her email passwords as of then, I sneaked a peek into her inbox. She was introducing the guy she was "talking" to as her new boyfriend! I became incensed and wanted to harm her in the worst way. My friends talked me out of doing something crazy, so she should thank them. Well since then, I've called her and called her trash. I visited her and took my Gamecube back. While all the same time, I've emailed her lyrics to songs that reminded me of her and letters that alternate between upsetting or just plain sad. The truth of it all is that she stopped loving me. She told me she loved this new guy. This is someone she has only known for a few months versus someone she has "loved" for a little more than four years!!! The only remaining constant nowadays is that I still email her. She sometimes responds with advice on how to move on. It just angers me she is talking this better than me and that she is "happy" while I'm not. I know I have to do the right thing and move on, but I sometimes think it's too hard to do so. I still love her and I find myself apologizing to her for doing all these strange things I have done since she left me. Most of all I miss her so much. I know being with her so long made everything routine and maybe I got too comfortable, but it's so hard to be lonely again, that sometimes I wish she would come back to me. Now, I know I could never take her back again because of all the pain she has caused me, but I really wished none of this happened.
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